Alsek River Salmon Update from August 31, 2023

Alsek River Salmon Update from August 31, 2023

Canadian Fisheries

In response to ongoing concerns over low returns of Chinook and early-migrating sockeye salmon, angling for salmon in the Alsek River watershed was prohibited until August 15, 2023. Public salmon angling is now open on the Alsek River; however, retention of Chinook salmon is prohibited for the duration of the 2023 season. Retention of sockeye salmon in the public angling fishery is currently prohibited subject to improved in-season run abundance estimates and the achievement of spawning escapement and subsistence fishery needs.


Assessment Program Date (as of) Count/Catch Average (as of date)
Klukshu River August 28 1,059 1,094
Blanchard River August 28 Counts available post-season N/A
U.S. Dry Bay Fishery Index July 16 169 ~ 400 Chinook for the season



Assessment Program Date (as of) Count/Catch Average (as of date)
Klukshu River August 28 2,324 5,619
Village Creek August 28 74 384
U.S. Dry Bay Fishery Index July 16 2,601 5,778 Sockeye


Fore more information, view the full report here: Alsek River Salmon Update – Aug 31, 2023