Bulletin 16: CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response
December 4, 2020
Message from the Chief:
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) continues to work hard to help Citizens stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With cases of the virus on the rise in the Yukon, and knowing that the virus can be spread by people who show no symptoms, we ask you to stay home if you can and wear a mask when you need to be in public. We encourage each and every Citizen to Be a Safe 6 Champion! Council and I urge you to keep your social bubbles small. The current advice from Dr. Hanley is that our social bubbles should be up to two households max – the smaller, the better.
CAFN has a number of new and ongoing measures to help Citizens and communities stay safe. Please see additional details in this bulletin, and watch for more information to come. Dúch’į shį – we will do what we must do to keep our Elders, our most vulnerable, and all our Citizens safe.
On behalf of Council, I thank all our community members who joined the virtual meetings last week to offer good ideas for ways to get through the pandemic together. Gunałchish. I am proud of the strength and resilience of our nation and Citizens during these challenging times.
Kaaxnox, Dän Nätthe Äda (Chief Steve Smith)
Be a Safe 6 Champion!
physical distancing;
regular hand washing;
stay home when sick;
don’t gather in groups (keep your bubble small);
avoid travel to communities; and
self-isolate when required.
+ Masks are now required in all Yukon public spaces.
Virtual Community Meetings CAFN hosted virtual community meetings this November 25-29 with the communities of Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction), Tthe Yanlin (Canyon), Shadhäla (Champagne), Takhini, and Kwanlin (Whitehorse). The meetings were well attended and participants shared respectful, helpful input to inform our work going forward. Kwänischiss – thank you to all who participated. | |
NEW COVID-19 STAFF in CAFN Communities: Dän Tsʼän Shānindhän CAFN wants to help keep people in our communities safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we have hired Dän Tsʼän Shānindhän (Caring persons, someone who cares for others) COVID-19 staff. These staff will be posted at the entrance to our CAFN subdivisions during high-traffic hours. The Dän Tsʼän Shānindhän will share information with Citizens and visitors to help build awareness about COVID-19 safety and to reduce non-essential traffic to our communities. |
Social Bubbles Keeping your bubble small will help lower the risk of spreading COVID-19. Begin by including everyone you live in the same house with. You can then expand to include one other household. In the Yukon, our social bubble is limited to a maximum of 15 people. Most people think they have small social bubbles, but in reality they are much larger than they realize. It is important that you stay 2m apart, even when outside, from anyone who is not in your “social bubble.” |
CAFN COVID-19 safety measures currently in place are: Masks are now required in all CAFN work spaces when employees are in common areas. 25% or fewer staff in CAFN offices, with priority to staff who provide essential services. Staff are encouraged to work from home when it is possible to do so. Limit travel – No intercommunity staff travel permitted, except to deliver essential services. The Youth Centre is closed. We will reassess this closure as we monitor the COVID-19 status in the Yukon. Virtual programs will be offered where possible, and outdoor activities will be considered. The Shawkwunlee Daycare continues to operate at current levels (about 50%) in keeping with Yukon government regulations. We are reviewing the daycare operations on an ongoing basis. No in-person gatherings or meetings, virtual gatherings only. Planning for Christmas Connects activities continues. Contactless deliveries and pick-ups are also OK. Outdoor activities will be considered. Language immersion classes are virtual only through December 17, 2020, when classes end for the holiday break. We will reassess for January 2021. Da Kų Cultural Centre and community halls are closed. This includes funerals. Bus Service continues with small numbers and safe spacing. Next steps: Council will reassess the COVID-19 situation every two weeks to determine whether they will continue. |
CAFN Offices Our offices are closed to the public, but we remain focused on being available and accessible to Citizens by phone and email during regular business hours and after hours for emergencies. Please contact us if you have questions or need CAFN support. Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Haines Junction (867) 634-4200 Whitehorse (867) 456-6888 |
How can I report a business or person who is breaking a CEMA order? Please visit: https://yukon.ca/en/cema-report to report through an online form (You may choose to remain anonymous while reporting a concern) Email: [email protected] or phone the toll-free InfoLine: 1 877 374 0425. |
What is the status of COVID-19 in the Yukon? Please visit Yukon.ca
What is the status of COVID-19 in Canada? Please visit Canada.ca
Council of Yukon First Nations COVID-19 information hub at: cyfn.ca/covid-19