Bulletin 19: CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response

Bulletin 19: CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response

January 15, 2021

Message from the Chief

Dànách’é and Happy New Year.

Shadhäla Äshèyi, yè Kwädän (Champagne and Aishihik First Nations) continues to take a cautious, proactive approach in our response to COVID-19.

As we begin 2021, many of us are learning about the new COVID-19 vaccine and thinking about whether to get it. 

In the Yukon, the COVID-19 vaccine that will soon be available to adults is the Moderna vaccine.  It was approved by Health Canada in December 2020.  You can learn about the Moderna vaccine and who can get it here:  yukon.ca/en/moderna-vaccine-information. 

We want our people to learn more in order to make your own decision about the risks and benefits of getting or not getting the vaccine.  There is a lot of misinformation, especially on social media, so please learn from reliable sources like Yukon.ca, Canada.ca and WHO.int

As you make this important decision, here are some things to consider:

  • To protect our communities and most vulnerable, we need 75 percent of Yukon adults to be immunized (this is called “herd immunity”).
  • Scientific information from the governments of Canada and Yukon shows the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective.  Our Council believes in the approval process for the vaccinations undertaken by Health Canada.
  • I as Chief and members of Council are choosing to get the vaccine when it is our turn. 
  • The more people who choose to get the vaccine, the better we can protect ourselves and our loved ones, especially our Elders and most vulnerable Citizens, and the sooner COVID-19 pandemic measures will end.

Please keep practicing the Safe 6 and wearing masks in public.  We must remain vigilant until the pandemic is no longer a threat. 


Kaaxnox, Dän Nätthe Äda (Chief Steve Smith)

What is the status of COVID-19 in the Yukon?  Please visit Yukon.ca
What is the status of COVID-19 in Canada?  Please visit Canada.ca
Council of Yukon First Nations COVID-19 information hub: CYFN.ca/covid-19

How can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will be available in the Yukon to all eligible adults who wish to receive it in early 2021.  The Government of Yukon is responsible for delivering the vaccine.  To learn about the vaccine and to book your appointment, go to Yukon.ca/thisisourshot or phone toll free1 877 374-0425. We encourage Citizens to support your Elder and vulnerable family members to learn more about the vaccine and help them get immunized if they choose to.  CAFN is also helping vulnerable Citizens, including Elders and others who need assistance. For specific medical questions and advice, please talk to your doctor or local health nurse.

For help with rides to vaccines or booking vaccine appointments: please phone our Community Wellness team at (867) 634-4200 or (867) 456-6888 ext 211, OR talk to your regular CAFN Community Wellness support person.

Our CAFN team cannot provide medical advice, but we can help make sure you have access to info provided by Yukon gov’t.
Be a Safe 6 Champion!

1. physical distancing; regular
2. hand washing;
3. stay home when sick;
4. don’t gather in groups; avoid travel to communities; and                                
5. self-isolate when required.       
+ Wear a mask in all public spaces. See the new Dän K’e video on mask wearing youtu.be/eI5BqqJsguc
New Robocall System

CAFN is setting up an automated phone and text message system as a new tool to get information to Citizens quickly.  To sign up to receive robocall messages, please visit: cafn.ca/new-robocall-system.  After you begin to receive messages, you can also “unsubscribe” at any time.  We are currently testing the system and look forward to beginning regular use soon. 
Continuing Safety Measures at CAFN

On January 7, 2021 Council agreed to keep the following measures in place:

– Masks are required in all CAFN common areas.
– 25% or fewer staff in CAFN offices, with priority to staff who provide essential services.
– Staff travel is limited to essential services. 
– The Youth Centre is closed. 
– The Shawkwunlee Daycare continues to operate at current levels (about 50%). 
– No in-person gatherings or meetings. 
– Virtual meetings and outdoor activities will be considered. 
– Language immersion classes are virtual Da Kų Cultural Centre and community halls are closed. This includes funerals.
– Bus Service continues with small numbers and safe spacing.