CAFN Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Signing Land Claims Agreements

CAFN Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Signing Land Claims Agreements


May 29, 2023

Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) – Today Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) celebrates the 30th anniversary of signing our Final and Self-Government Agreements with the governments of Canada and Yukon.

“These agreements laid out the framework for self-government, so that we could once again take our rightful place in determining our own future.  The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations government has come so far in the past 30 years: building our Dákwänjē immersion program, taking control of our children’s education, and passing our own laws grounded in Dän K’e (Our Way).  Guided by the wisdom of our ancestors, we continue to raise strong and resilient Citizens to lead us into the future,” said Dän nätthe äda K’úkhįá (Chief Barb Joe).

On May 29, 1993 Chief Paul Birckel signed the agreements on behalf of CAFN, along with Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Tom Siddon and Yukon Government Leader John Ostashek.

CAFN also acknowledges the First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun, Teslin Tlingit Council and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation on this shared anniversary and their many successes in implementing their agreements over the past 30 years.

CAFN marked the day with celebrations and lunch at Da Kų Cultural Centre, including special presentations by our Elders, Chief and Council about our self-government journey so far, and by our Youth on their vision for the next 30 years.  CAFN will continue to celebrate our 30th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of Together Today for our Children Tomorrow at events throughout the year, including during our 2023 General Assembly this July 20-23 at Da Kų Cultural Centre.


For more information:


Paige Hopkins, Communications Officer, (867) 456-6555 ext 337, [email protected]

Amy McKinnon, Strategic Communications Manager, (867) 332-1973, [email protected]