CAFN COVID-19 Bulletin 3: March 23, 2020
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) is taking a proactive approach to slow the spread of COVID-19 to our communities and the Yukon. We all have the responsibility to limit the spread and save lives by acting now.
Message from the Chief
“To all our Dän Shawthän (good CAFN people) in the Yukon and beyond, now is the time for every one of us to act to protect ourselves and others.
Together with the governments of Yukon and Canada, CAFN has been preparing for COVID-19, and we are prepared to weather this.
We all have a role to play. What we do now will help save lives. I ask each and every one of you to follow all health directives by the Yukon and Canada.
Being responsible family and community members is dän k’e – our way.”
Kaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda – Steve Smith, Chief
What should CAFN Citizens do?
We urge all community members to strictly follow all health directives by the governments of Yukon and Canada.
With the confirmation of two cases of COVID-19 in the Yukon on March 22, compliance with the following public health actions is critical:
- PREVENTION is the only medical treatment for COVID-19 at this time. We all must act to prevent infection of ourselves and others.
- Monitor yourself and household members for symptoms.
- Report COVID-19 symptoms: If you or your immediate family have symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, phone 811 and stay home. Use the COVID-19 online assessment tool at to help.
- Restrict travel – stay home except for essential travel.
- Space yourself 2 metres away from people outside your household and if with someone who is infected (social distancing).
- Self-isolate 14 days if you or immediate household have traveled outside the Yukon or Canada.
- Wash your hands frequently and dry with a clean, dry towel or paper towel.
- Disinfect frequently-touched home surfaces like counters, door knobs, light switches, water taps, etc.
- Prepare a space to isolate in case you or a family member becomes ill.
- Talk with your family. Ensure your children, Elder family members and others understand and are practicing safety measures.
- Support vulnerable and at-risk family members by delivering groceries and supplies to the doorsteps of high risk family and friends so they don’t need to go out.
- Be kind: Have patience and compassion for yourself and others. This is a difficult time and how you behave will set an example for others.
What is the Government of Yukon doing?
The Chief Medical Officer has announced new measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in the Yukon. New measures include:
- No travel in or out of the Yukon Territory (returning travelers must self-isolate 14 days).
- No non-essential travel in or out of rural Yukon communities.
- All restaurant dining rooms will be closed effective March 26. Take-out and delivery services only going forward.
- All bars are closed.
- All personal services are closed, like hair salons, massage therapists, etc.
- All social gatherings of 10 or more people are banned. People should not join ANY social gathering if they: have any flu-like symptoms, are 65 or older, provide healthcare or an essential service.
Continued actions include:
- Setting up a new respiratory assessment centre at the Yukon Convention Centre.
- Providing self-isolation rooms where required.
- Offering an online COVID-19 assessment tool.
- Working to improve 811 health emergency phone service.
- Suspending classes at Yukon public schools until April 15, 2020.
- Closing public recreation centres (including the Canada Games Centre) and libraries and closing hospitals to visitors.
Watch for important information for Yukoners on COVID-19 at
What is CAFN doing?
CAFN continues to provide Essential Services including:
- Municipal Services: water delivery, garbage collection, road maintenance.
- Property Services: emergency repairs and property management.
- Communications as noted below.
- Finance including income assistance and emergency funds.
- Income Assistance.
- Community Wellness support by our Case Managers, Elders Program and Community Care staff.
- Chief and Council and the Executive Council Office staff continue to carry out the important business of the CAFN government, including our response to COVID-19.
Communication is key: While things continue to change rapidly, CAFN is continuing a daily bulletin (Monday to Friday) to update Citizens on our response. You can find it at, on our Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Facebook page, and by email. We will also distribute the bulletin door-to-door in CAFN communities as frequently as possible.
We will continue to share new information with Citizens regularly, including resources and updates from the governments of Yukon and Canada.
Contact information: You can continue to reach us at our main office at (867) 634-4200. You can also contact staff by email.
Ongoing CAFN Measures:
- All CAFN offices and public facilities remain closed to the public. This includes all offices, the youth centre and daycare, Da Kų Cultural Centre, community halls and all other public spaces.
- All CAFN gatherings are cancelled or postponed until further notice.
- Vulnerable or at-risk Citizens who do not have family support may contact Brenda Asp at (867) 634-5389 or [email protected].
What is the Government of Canada doing?
The Government of Canada is taking new actions to respond and adapt to COVID-19. This includes new ways to help people who are unable to work. Visit for the best information. The Prime Minister also addresses Canadians daily between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Yukon time on radio and TV.
All Citizens and community members can continue to contact us at (867) 634-4200.