CAFN Family Literacy Challenge

CAFN Family Literacy Challenge

CAFN Family Literacy Challenge

For the month of January CAFN Education department and our newly formed Parents Group challenge you and your family to read and write more!

From January 6th to January 26th Families will be challenged to read as many books as they can together.

Simply take a picture of you and your family members reading together, upload to our CAFN Family Literacy Challenge Facebook page, and write a short sentence about the story. Your family will be entered into a draw every time you post a picture to the group. Your family can also write stories or letters and upload them for another chance to enter the draw.

A Draw for What?

A punch pass to Canada Games Centre for each member of the family and dinner at Boston Pizza. The winner will be announced at our Family Literacy Ice Fishing Event on January 27, 2017. Look for the Posters!

Please Contact Margaret Chiblow if you have any Questions

867-634-2231 or Email [email protected]