Business Essentials

Have you been dreaming about setting up a store in Takhini? Do you have the next best business idea for Haines Junction? Do you have a service or experience you would like to provide? Let us know so we can help you put it together! If you need help getting your vision...

2021 Parka Entrepreneurship Program

CAFN Congratulates all of the participants in their successful completion of the 2021 Parka Entrepreneurship Program! We would also like to thank our partners Yukon University, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and the Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council. Heather...


Recently start your own business? Interested in starting a business? Participating in the LEADER Project’s two-week entrepreneurship Bootcamp will provide you with foundational business skills to help you succeed as an entrepreneur! The coaches of the program...

Yukon Government Inclusive and Special Education Review

A focus group specifically for CAFN. The session is for the Yukon Government to hear how our students are being supported in the classroom and when students require additional support, how is it working for CAFN students and families? We have an opportunity to let YG...