Community Health
and Well-being Grant

The Community Health and Well Being Grant (CHWB) is available for CAFN Citizens living in Canada. It is established according to the following principles:


  • encourage people to be healthy through recreation and culture;
  • encourage people to get out on the land;
  • provide funding for cultural activities;
  • support youth participation in events and recreation; and
  • develop positive and meaningful relationships between elders and youth.


CHWB grants are designated for individuals and community events.

More information:

You must have a witness to sign your waiver.

CHWB Contact person

Doreen Williams

Executive Assistant to Chief & Council

867-634-4200 ext 231

[email protected]
Community Wellness Thumbnail

Community Wellness

Community Wellness Thumbnail

Dän Tän Gà Dījäl

Citizen Services Project

Community Wellness Thumbnail


CAFN Language & Culture Thumbnail

Language & Culture

CAFN Language & Culture Thumbnail

Da Kų Cultural Centre

Community Health and Well-being Grant

Community Health & Well-being Fund