COVID-19 Exposure Notice
COVID-19 EXPOSURE NOTICE: CAFN is aware of COVID-19 exposures in Champagne & Klukshu on and around New Year’s Eve
What should you do if you were a close contact?
- It is strongly recommended that all close contacts of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 isolate for seven (7) days.
- CAFN encourages everyone who was a close contact to lay low, self-isolate and self-monitor for symptoms.
- A close contact is anyone who was within six feet (two metres) for a combined total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period while someone is in their infectious period.
- Yukon health guidance is to self-monitor if the close contact is fully vaccinated and received a booster shot at least 2 weeks ago.
- Following the 7-day isolation, if no symptoms are present, close contacts may leave isolation AND should continue self-monitoring for seven more days and self-isolate if they experience COVID-19 symptoms.
- It is also strongly recommended that people who are fully vaccinated with a booster should avoid close contact with a confirmed case.
What should you do if you test positive?
If you have tested positive on a rapid antigen test, Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) recommends that you isolate away from others. Isolating means that you are protecting others in the community from COVID-19 when you are able to pass on the infection.
How long should you isolate for?
- The amount of time you should isolate for depends on if you have symptoms or not.
- If you have/had symptoms – you should isolate for 10 days after your first symptom started.
- If you don’t have symptoms – you should isolate for 10 days after the day you had the positive test.
What if you can’t isolate from others in your house?
If you can’t isolate away from others in your house, everyone in your house should isolate with you while you isolate. YCDC is seeing that most people in a household will get COVID if someone in the house has it (even if immunized) because there is ongoing exposure to the virus.
For more Yukon health guidance:…/what-do-if-you-test-positive-or-are,