CAFN Community Wellness Hub
What’s happening next?
Project Overview
CAFN is starting planning for a new Community Wellness Hub in Dakwäkäda. The project is a Chief and Council initiative to create a new building for community wellness that will be designed in response to community need and vision. It is being led by a CAFN staff steering committee, a Council-appointed community advisory committee, and the project facilitation team at Regenative Design.
Project Approach and Timeline
The timeline below illustrates the proposed project process and phases of the project to get from the idea of what the community wellness hub could be, to a building. Timelines will adjust based on community input and project process.

Who We Are
Community Advisory Committee
The community advisory committee informs the process of this new community wellness hub and provides feedback to the project team from a diversity of perspectives. Our role is to provide advice to the project based on our unique perspectives and act as community champions for the project by providing a link between citizens and the project.
● Azreil Allen
● James Allen
● Shadelle Chambers
● Barb Hume
● Lorraine Stick
● Youth representative recommended by Youth Council
Steering Committee
The steering committee oversees project administration and overall project direction. Our role is to ensure the project is implemented based on council’s direction and integrated with CAFN program and service delivery.
● Jennifer Lee – Executive Director
● Annette Eikland – Director of Community Wellness
● Jeff Hunter – Capital Projects Manager
Regenative Design - Project Facilitation Team
The team from Regenative Design facilitates the overall project delivery and design based on direction from the steering committee, guidance of the community advisory committee and community input. Our role is to deliver the overall project for CAFN’s benefit through a community-driven process.
● Alanna Quock – Principal & Project Lead
● Nicole Jahraus – Design Project Management Lead
● Sky Liddell – Project Manager & Coordinator
What’s happened so far:
Project Launch Community Meetings:
● November 17, 2023 (in person) & January 17, 2024 (virtual)
● Introduced the project & heard people’s ideas & questions
Community Survey:
The survey asked two questions:
1. What does a healthy community look like for you?
2. What spaces or activities would you like to see in your community to support your wellness?
The survey was available online from November 16th until January 12th and was advertised through social media, newsletter and email, as well as in person at the community event and through the Wellness department.
There were 92 responses to the survey – an incredible turnout! Thank you to all who participated!
What’s next:
Stay tuned for the next community event in Spring 2024. We will be sharing what we have heard so far and how it is being translated into becoming a building!
Q: What will be in the building?
A: This is a community-driven project first. Because of that, the spaces in the building will be informed by community input, engagement with staff in the Community Wellness Department, and all those who participate in the project process.
Q: What will be the name of the building?
A: Currently we are calling the project the Community Wellness Hub, however we will be finding a new name for the project with support from the Community Advisory Committee.
Q: Where will the building be?
A: The project team is working with Property Services to identify all possible locations for the building. We are creating criteria to evaluate the sites based on what we have heard so far from the community as well as other considerations to help inform where the building will be located.
Q: Why is this project happening? Where did this idea come from?
A: It came from citizens at the outset. Council has heard again and again the need for Community wellness space from the community and is trying to reflect what they have heard by initiating this project.
Q: What is the timeline for the project?
A: The project team will take the time needed to do this project in a good way, but also acknowledges the crucial role this wellness hub will play in advancing much needed community wellness, and fulfilling council’s goals of delivering this project to the community. At this time we are working toward opening the doors to this new building in the fall of 2026.
For all questions and further information:
Alanna Quock
Project Lead at Regenative Design
[email protected]