Community Fires – Haines Junction, Champagne & Takhini
Throughout this week we will be hosting Community Fires in Haines Junction, Champagne and Takhini.
We are all going through a lot right now, let's do it together.
Throughout this week we will be hosting Community Fires in Haines Junction, Champagne and Takhini.
We are all going through a lot right now, let's do it together.
Meals & Honorarium/Travel will be provided.
Contact Katherine Mallard at the CAFN office in Haines Junction, YT at this telephone number: (867) 634-4200 or [email protected]
Bus Service is available from Takhini, Kwanlin/Whitehorse, Tthe Yänlin/Canyon and Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction.
Call 634-5162 to book your seat.