If you were part of the summer camp this past summer, come reconnect with staff & friends, and share your best memories from camp!
Join us and BGC Yukon next Thursday, November 2nd at Da kų Cultural Centre.
We will play some games and eat some good food!
Dakwakada Mountain Festival – Celebrating Our Mountain Lands and Culture Through First Nations and mountain cultures in all their forms – story telling, outdoor adventure, research, traditional knowledge, workshops, arts, live music, film, dance and shared meals.
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at [email protected]
We have been working with the Government of Yukon and Yukon Energy Corporation on a better path for the Aishihik Generating Station (AGS). CAFN will share an overview of where we are at, updates on new progress, and how citizens can be involved through our new community committee We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
FOLLOW-UP Paddle Making workshops, for the Paddle Carvers that participated in the first initial workshop with Jai Reid during the early summer. 3 x workshops on November 2, 9, 16, 2023, start time is 3:00 - 7:00 pm in the Da Ku workshop.
Starting next week, every Thursday in November is Men's Games night! Gather down at Mun Ku for some socializing and entertainment, no money on the line.
Please stay home if you are not feeling well!
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at [email protected]
There are six seats (with two alternates) to be filled by CAFN Youth ages 16-23.
Get involved in your government! Pizza and wings provided!
Zoom link in event description.
FOLLOW-UP Paddle Making workshops, for the Paddle Carvers that participated in the first initial workshop with Jai Reid during the early summer. 3 x workshops on November 2, 9, 16, 2023, start time is 3:00 - 7:00 pm in the Da Ku workshop.
CAFN Chief and Council, along with project facilitators from Regenative Design, invite Citizens to help plan a new Community Wellness Hub in Dakwäkäda! Share your ideas on how you would like to see our new building be developed! All participants will be entered in a draw for a $50 and $100 gift card! Where: Mun […]
The Grieving and Loss workshop in Whitehorse (Nov 24, 25, 26) is cancelled. Folks are encouraged to participate in this workshop.
Grieving and loss 3 day workshop. Facilitated by Gisela Sartori, MA, Dip.C, R.CC, a leader with many years of experience in grief work and deep personal transformation.
Lunch will be provided.
Please register by October 27 by contacting Joecelyn Kinney at 634-5113.
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at [email protected]
Southern Tutchone drop-in classes Come and join ä́yètthʼǟna for weekly drop in classes hosted by CAFN. Classes are open to anyone that wants to learn and speak dän kʼè For more information and to register please contact Natane Primozic: [email protected] . Classes start: November 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18 January 8, 15, 22, 29 […]
THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL FEBRUARY, 2024. 14 Days of Healing and Awesomeness with Andy Nieman, BWS, RSW Open to CAFN Citizens aged 18+ MUST have 3-5 days sobriety prior to program start date. Limited seats available. To request an application, place contact Jocelyn Kinney at 867 634 5113 or the CAFN offices at […]
November 22 10am – 4pm Ashaw Senate November 23 10am – 4pm CAFN council & Ashaw Joint Location: Champagne Hall, Champagne For Senate Meeting handouts and documents, please give Kathleen Jones your email address when confirming attendance. Honoraria will be done through direct deposits instead of cheques. Please pre-register by November 16 in order to […]
November 22 10am – 4pm Ashaw Senate November 23 10am – 4pm CAFN council & Ashaw Joint Location: Champagne Hall, Champagne For Senate Meeting handouts and documents, please give Kathleen Jones your email address when confirming attendance. Honoraria will be done through direct deposits instead of cheques. Please pre-register by November 16 in order to […]
Starting next week, every Thursday in November is Men's Games night! Gather down at Mun Ku for some socializing and entertainment, no money on the line.
Please stay home if you are not feeling well!
We invite all Citizens to attend this special Fall General Assembly. This is a continuation of the summer GA to finalize outstanding resolutions.
Business starts Saturday at 10 am.
Southern Tutchone drop-in classes Come and join ä́yètthʼǟna for weekly drop in classes hosted by CAFN. Classes are open to anyone that wants to learn and speak dän kʼè For more information and to register please contact Natane Primozic: [email protected] . Classes start: November 20, 27 December 4, 11, 18 January 8, 15, 22, 29 […]
CYFN will be hosting the next Grief Support Circle on Wednesday September 27th from 4-9pm at the main CYFN building. Contact Kareena at (867) 393-9200 ext. 9217 if you would like more information or if you would like to register. Dinner will be provided.
If you are interested in meeting new folks, finding out about career opportunities or working on your resume; this FREE event is for you. (If you want to work on your resume at the Fair, please bring your information with you)
CAFN has invited numerous businesses, organizations and government departments to attend (First Nation, Federal, and Territorial).
Snacks and a light lunch provided. There will also be door prizes!
Location St Elias Convention Centre
Starting next week, every Thursday in November is Men's Games night! Gather down at Mun Ku for some socializing and entertainment, no money on the line.
Please stay home if you are not feeling well!