Forms >
Introduction: The purposes of CAFN Traditional Activities Protection Act are:
You will need a TAPA Land Activity Permit if you plan to undertake a development on CAFN Settlement Land, unless you are engaged in activities in accordance with a right of access provided in the CAFN Final Agreement, or if you are licensed or otherwise authorized or approved to undertake a development undertaken by another enactment.
It is in the applicant’s interest to fully explain their proposal and how they will minimize these conflicts, and to seek acceptance and support from potential affected persons. Failure to do this initially may result in delays in processing the application. Where it is reasonable to expect that an application may affect citizens’ use and enjoyment of the area, the Lands Committee may defer the application and directly contact, or have the applicant contact, any affected parties. The Lands Department will, as part of the review process, forward a copy of your application to adjacent or nearby land users.
If you have any questions on filling this application, please contact the CAFN Lands Manager or the designated contact you have been working with in the Lands and Resources Department as they may facilitate this process for you. The application may take up to three work week to review your application for completeness and adequacy. Under circumstances where no further assessment work is required, or consultation with CAFN citizens, a permit may be issued relatively quickly. If further assessments are required, it is up to the proponent to plan accordingly for these additional timelines.
2. Dates
A TAPA Land Activity Permit may be issued to a maximum of 24 months. Please indicate:
3. Location
4. Land Use Planning & Zoning
5. Site Characteristics
Attach photographs of the site if you have
6. Existing Uses and Access
7. Access
8. Proposed Development
What are your plans for the following services, if applicable?
9. Potential Effects on Other Values
A - Cultural / Historical
B - Fish & Wildlife
C - Others
10. Additional Information Required
(The following information must be submitted with all applications)
A - A Sketch Plan / Map attached Must contain:
Submission of photographs of the site applied for is highly encouraged.
B - Commercial/industrial/agricultural applications, in addition to the above: Must contain:
11. Other Approvals and Assessments
Depending on the nature, magnitude or location of an application, an applicant may be required to undertake further studies or assessments. These may include heritage assessments, fisheries studies, geotechnical investigations, further public consultation, etc. Additional approvals may be required from other agencies, such as highway access permits, etc.). Your project may also require an assessment under the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Act (YESAA). If you are unsure, you are encouraged to speak with the Yukon Environmental and Socioeconomic Assessment Board (YESAB) and/ or refer to the appropriate YESAA Regulations.