The Rules of Procedure for the Youth Council And Executive

The Rules of Procedure for the Youth Council And Executive

“Nátthe” – Moving ahead

We, the Nàtthe Youth Council of CAFN, are the voice dedicated to empowering our youth. We “shall promote a healthy, unified and self-reliant people, While conserving and enhancing our environment and culture.”


1.WE, THE YOUTH of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, desire to enhance and empower our role within the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations government through the development of rules of procedure that will set out the structure of the Youth Council.

2.These rules are established pursuant to the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Constitution.


3. These rules of procedure may be cited as The Rules of Procedure for the Youth Council and Executive.


4. “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.

5. “Immediate family” means the mother, father, children and brothers and sisters of the Youth Council or Executive members.

6.“Youth Council” means CAFN Citizens who are between and including the years of thirteen and twenty-three years of age.

7. “Youth Executive” means a core group of CAFN Youth who are selected by the Youth Council. The Youth Executive supports the work of the Youth Council and acts as a voice for CAFN Youth to take action and get things done.

8. The definitions of the Constitution shall also apply to these rules of procedure.


9. The Youth Executive may carry out its role as set out in the Constitution or established in the laws of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation Government. All activities and decisions of the Youth Council shall be in accordance with the laws of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation Government and these rules of procedure.

10. The purpose of the Youth Executive is to provide advice, assistance and recommendations to all other branches of the Government.


11. In accordance with the Constitution, the Council is made up of all citizens who are between thirteen and twenty-three years of age.

12. The Youth Council shall establish an Executive which shall consist of six (6) youth plus two alternates.

13. The elected Youth Councilor shall sit as an ex-officio member of the executive for a minimum of 4 meetings per year.

14. The six Executive members may represent the following communities:
a) Takhini/Kushawa
b) Whitehorse
c) Champagne/Hutchi
d) Aishihik/Canyon
e) Haines Junction/Kloo Lake
f) Haines/Klukshu/Shawashe

15. Nomination process: Members of the Youth Executive may be nominated by members of the Youth Council in-writing or in-person. Voting will be carried out by the Youth Council. Youth may vote for up to six people to represent them on the Youth Executive.

16. The term of each member and alternate on the Executive for the Youth Council will be two years.

17. The Executive will be paid honoraria and travel reimbursement at approved CAFN rates.

18. Except for the role of the Youth Councillor, which is set out in section 12, if a citizen holds office as a Councillor of the First Nations Council, that citizen shall not sit on the Executive of the Youth Council during the time that he or she holds the office of Councillor.


19. The Youth Council shall hold a minimum of one meeting per year. One Youth Council meeting per year may be a youth General Assembly.

20. The Executive shall hold a minimum of four meeting per year, which is open to all youth.

21. Before any meeting of the Youth Council a public notice of the date, time and location of the meeting shall be posted at least 14 days before the meeting, in the main administration buildings of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation Government located in Whitehorse and Haines Junction. Notice of the Youth Council meeting will be mailed to all youth, posted on the CAFN website or social media, and posted at schools in the CAFN Traditional Territory. Youth Executive meetings should be posted on the CAFN website and social media.

22. The Community Wellness Department shall provide administrative support for meetings of the Youth Council and Executive.

23. The Community Wellness shall be responsible for:
a) Notifying members of the Youth Council of upcoming meetings;
b) Coordinating the meetings of the Executive and Youth Council;
c) maintaining the records of the Youth Council and its Executive;
d) forwarding recommendations of the Youth Council or Executive to the appropriate departments or Chief and Council; and
e) Undertaking any other duties and direction as set out in these rules of procedure or identified by the Youth Council or it’s Executive.

23. The quorum for a meeting of the Youth Council Executive shall be a majority of the Executive (four members).


24. The Executive shall appoint a member of the Executive to be a Chair to oversee the activities of the Executive and to undertake any responsibilities set out in these rules. A second member shall be appointed as Co-Chair in the event the Chair is unavailable. The term of the Chair and Co-Chair shall be one year.

25. When the term of Chair/Co-chair is done, Youth executive shall vote for the next Chair/Co-chair

26. The Chair shall be responsible for:
a) Calling the meetings of the Youth Council and Executive including announcement of meeting;
b) Providing the recommendations of the Youth Council or Executive to the appropriate branch of the CAFN government;
c) Chairing the meetings of the Executive and the Youth Council; and
d) Any other duties or direction set out in these rules of procedure or as directed by the Executive and Youth Council;
e) It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure accurate minutes of the meeting of the Youth Council and its Executive are recorded and distributed to the members of the Youth Council or its Executive at the next scheduled meeting;
f) The Chair shall appoint a clerk who will be responsible for maintaining the records of the Youth Council and its Executive.

Meetings open to Citizens

27. Meetings of the Youth Council and its Executive shall be open to citizens to attend as observers. No citizen shall be excluded except in accordance with these rules of procedure.

28. A citizen who does not respect these rules of procedure or direction of the Youth Council or its Executive shall be directed, by the Chair, to leave the meeting. All meetings of the Youth Council and its Executive will be drug and alcohol free.

Presentations by Citizens

(1) Any Citizen who wishes to make a presentation to the Youth Council or its Executive at a meeting must provide written notice to the Chair or Coordinator no later than 24 hours before the meeting. The notice shall indicate the citizen’s name and the matter on which he or she wishes to speak.
(2) The notice period referred to in subsection (1) may be waived by consensus of the Youth Council or its Executive.

30. The time for each citizen’s presentation at a meeting shall be limited to a maximum of ten minutes. Any Youth may ask questions of the citizen who made the presentation at the end of his or her presentation.

31. Citizens should avoid repetition of the comments of previous speakers. The purpose of the presentations is to provide information and the citizen’s view for the consideration of the Youth Council or its Executive. Any questions raised by the citizen will not necessarily be answered or responded to by the Youth Council or its Executive at that meeting.

32. Except when the citizen is answering a direct question from a member of the Youth Council or its Executive, all remarks shall be addressed to the Youth Council or its Executive as a whole and not to individual members of the Youth Council or its Executive.

33. The Youth Council or its Executive may close the presentations even if not all citizens have had the opportunity to speak or end the time to speak to allow the meeting to proceed with its agenda and deal with its business.

34. If a citizen who provided written notice to the chair under section 18 of these rules of procedure did not have an opportunity to speak, he or she may be provided such an opportunity at the next scheduled meeting.

In camera discussions

35. The Youth Council or its Executive shall decide when its discussions will be held in camera and only the Members and staff, as required, shall attend such discussions. Any member of the Youth Council or its Executive who has a conflict of interest and all others shall be asked to leave the meeting room.

36. In camera discussions may be recorded on audio tape. As soon as possible after each meeting, the chair will turn over the tape for safekeeping to the clerk. Any audio tape in the custody of the clerk shall be released only with the consent of the Youth Council.


37. The Youth Council and its Executive will try to reach consensus on all decisions. If agreement cannot be reached and a decision of the Youth Council or its Executive is required, then a vote (such as a vote by show of hands or secret ballot) shall be taken. In the case of a vote, three-quarters (75%) of those present must vote in favour of the decision for the vote to pass.

Conflict of interest

38. A member of the Youth Council or its Executive shall disclose to the Youth Council or the Executive as the case may be, any direct or indirect financial or other personal interest that he or she or a member of his or her immediate family has in any matter before the Youth Executive or the Executive and shall not take part in the discussions with respect to that matter or vote on that matter.


(1) It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure accurate minutes of the meeting of the Youth Council and its Executive are recorded and distributed to the members of the Youth Council or its Executive at the next scheduled meeting.
(2) The minutes of a meeting shall set out a summary of the motions and resolutions passed or considered.
(3) Each recommendation or action item shall be passed and recorded as a motion.
(4) The minutes of a meeting shall be tabled for acceptance and amendment as a record of the meeting. The chair shall sign the minutes after they have been approved.
(5) The Clerk of the Central Register (as appointed by the First Nations Council under the Governance Administration Act) shall maintain custody of all minutes of the meetings of the Youth Council and its Executive.
(6) The Clerk of the Central Registrar shall maintain custody of all resolutions and motions made.
(7) Approved minutes and motions shall be copied and forwarded to the First Nations Council.

Joint meetings of the Youth Council, Elders Senate and the First Nations Council

40. The Youth Council, its Executive, the Elders Senate and the CAFN Council may jointly hold a meeting to deal with specific matters. Joint meetings should not be held ordinarily.

41. The Youth Council and its Executive will maintain a separate record of any joint meeting with the First Nations Council.

42.Youth Executive should have a meeting with chief and council mandatory once per year.

Audio or video recordings

43. Unless the Youth Council provides its consent, a meeting of the Youth Council may not be photographed or recorded in audio or video by any person.

44. If any formal communication is required, then the Chief or his/her designate must be available to review and issue any formal statements.

Written correspondence

45. All correspondence and written requests shall be sent to the Youth Council, care of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Governance Director, at the following address:

#1 Allen Place
PO Box 5310
Haines Junction, Yukon
Y0B 1L0
Phone: (867) 634-4200

Financial accountability

46. The Youth Executive shall work with the Director of Governance to establish and manage a budget for the Youth Council. This budget will be presented to the First Nations Council for approval.

47. Youth executive shall receive a report of the annual approved budget.

Amending Rules

48. The Youth Executive may amend these rules at any time.

Legal and Technical Assistance

49. *Add proposed wording from ELDERS procedures.