Joint Message: COVID-19 and the Holiday Season
December 11, 2020
As COVID-19 infections surge in Canada and around the world, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) and the Village of Haines Junction ask all Yukoners and community members to abide by the current health and safety guidelines and CEMA orders issued by the Government of Yukon.
For Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction and the CAFN Traditional Territory, we ask the following:
- Please limit your travel between communities and to and from Whitehorse;
- Reduce your social interactions;
- Wash or sanitize your hands frequently;
- Maintain a 2 metre distance from those outside your household;
- Self-isolate if required;
- Stay home if you are sick; and
- Wear a mask in all community public spaces, including local businesses.
We know that the holidays are typically a time for us spend time with friends and family – but we ask you not to gather during this holiday season. The COVID-19 risk is significant and these restrictions and guidelines are based on the best information available at this time. These public health measures may change, however, one fact remains constant: you are valued in our community and your health and wellness is important to us.
Please reach out for support and know that we are all in this together. As long as we are calm and kind to one another, we will get through the pandemic. Our community is known for helping one another, and our ability to rally in uncertain times will serve us now more than ever.
We encourage you to stay up-to-date on the most current COVID-19 information at For local updates please check our websites or follow Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and Village of Haines Junction on Facebook.
Questions? Please contact us:
- CAFN (867) 634-4200 or [email protected]
- Village of Haines Junction (867) 634-7100 or [email protected]
Thank you for your continued caution and diligence.
Xaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda
Steve Smith, Chief
Thank you.
Thomas Eckervogt
Mayor, Village of Haines Junction