Joint Message on COVID-19 Safety

Joint Message on COVID-19 Safety

Updated July 29, 2021

Dear residents and Yukoners,

The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) and Village of Haines Junction (VoHJ) Councils ask all residents and visitors to Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction and the CAFN Traditional Territory to continue to act with safety and respect. Our CAFN areas also include Takhini River Subdivision, Champagne, Canyon, Klukshu and other seasonal villages. This means we ask that everyone in our community always follow the current guidance from the Yukon’s Chief Officer of Medical Health (CMOH).

Our community and local businesses appreciate and welcome Yukoners who are following current COVID-19 safety measures – and, if you are fully vaccinated, you are keeping yourself and others even safer.

For the latest updates from the CMOH, please visit https://yukon.ca/en/health-and-wellness/covid-19-information/latest-updates-covid-19/advice-chief-medical-officer-health

Please follow Yukon’s Safe 6 + 1.

  1. Keep your distance;
  2. Keep your hands clean;
  3. Feel sick? Stay home;
  4. Avoid crowds;
  5. Travel with respect;
  6. Self-isolate if necessary; and
    +1 Wear a mask in public and when in close contact with others.

For more details, visit practisesafe6.ca/

Get the COVID-19 vaccine when you can. The vaccine is proven to be safe and effective in preventing serious illness and death due to COVID-19, and reduces the risk of acquiring or transmitting the virus.

As of July 12, 2021 our community vaccination rates from the Government of Yukon are:

Over 12 years old
Dose 1 (%) | Dose 2 (%)
91% | 84 %

Over 18 years old
Dose 1 (%) | Dose 2 (%)
93 %| 88 %

We encourage you to make the informed choice to get both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you are able.

• Adults 18+ can book in Haines Junction by calling the health centre (634-4444) and in Whitehorse at Yukon.ca/thisisourshot.
• A vaccine clinic for Youth and Adults ages 12 and up is scheduled:
July 29, 2021 at the Haines Junction Health Centre from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please phone 634-444 to book or drop in.
• Youth may also get their vaccine in Whitehorse. Please book at Yukon.ca/thisisourshot. Have COVID vaccine questions?

Please ask your nurse or doctor, or check out this link: yukon.ca/en/vaccine-questions.
Please look for trustworthy sources of information about the vaccine.

The CAFN and VoHJ Councils thank you for keeping up the good work – shäw nithän! The Safe 6 + 1 and vaccines are still our best tools to prevent the spread of the virus, serious illness, and death – and they work.


Kaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda
Steve Smith, Chief
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations

Thank you.

Thomas Eckervogt
Village of Haines Junction

PDF copy of the July, 29 2021 Joint news release.