Land Applications for review March 8, 2018
The following land applications will be reviewed by the CAFN Lands Committee on March 08, 2018.
Jamie Charlie Jenny Lake 0.5ha on R-26B Cabin
Darren Hubbard Mendenhall 1.0ha on S-118B1/D Residential
Joyce Hume Quill Creek 1.0ha on S-74B1 Residential
Les Joe Dezadeash Lake 0.5ha on S-8B1/D Cabin
Florence Griffith Canyon Creek 1.0ha on S-412B1 Cabin
Lands Committee meetings are held in-camera.
Applicants and other interested persons may, with prior notice, appear before the Committee to speak on an application, or may submit written comments before the meeting.
For information on applications or to provide comments, contact Jonathan Leger (867) 634-4200 Ext:255 or Analie Lafreniere-Lemieux (867) 634-4200 Ext:254 in the CAFN Haines Junction office.