12 Steps to Launch
Yukon First Nation Business Registry
däna Näye Ventures
Business Development Canada:
Business Plan Template
Business Financing, Venture Capital
Growth Capital for Aboriginal Business
Aboriginal Business Development Fund
Peer Lending Program
TD Canada Trust:
Business Planner
YUKON – Business Financing:
Government of Yukon – Economic Development:
Funding, Tax Credits and Partnerships
Business Planning Worksheet
Business Incentive Program
Yukon Venture Loan Guarantee Program
More business development information
Entrepreneur Equity Fund
The purpose of the Entrepreneur Equity Fund (EEF) is to enable and assist individual CAFN Citizens to start, acquire, expand or improve business enterprises in the Yukon. You may propose to start a new business or purchase and operate an existing business.
The EEF aims to financially support CAFN Citizens to pursue business activities by contributing to their equity in the venture. By contributing to equity, the Fund intends to help entrepreneurs lever additional financing from banks and other sources if required.
EEF Components
The EEF has three components to which eligible citizens may apply:
1. Equity Matching – provides 50% of eligible capital costs in a business venture, to a maximum of $10,000 per applicant
2. Business Studies – provides 50% of eligible costs to prepare business plans or conduct feasibility and other studies related to a business venture, to a maximum of $10,000 per applicant
3. Trades & Crafts – provides 50% of eligible capital costs to a maximum of $500 per year to Citizens who are self-employed in providing services or products for sale
Please refer to the links in the sidebar to access additional information on the EFF components.
For more information, please email: [email protected]
Entrepreneur Equity Fund (EEF) – application and form
The CAFN Business Development Program – Final Report
CAFN Businesses:
Get on the official CAFN Source List!
Champagne and Aishihik is updating its goods and services source list. The list will support the development and expansion of business by promoting purchase of goods and services from CAFN Citizen-owned businesses.
Please submit the following information to [email protected]:
- Contact Name
- Business Name
- Address
- Phone
- Type of Business Services
Business Employment Enhancement Fund (BEEF)
CAFN introduces the Business Employment Enhancement Fund (BEEF)
What is BEEF?
CAFN has invested $100,000 in a Business Employment Enhancement Fund to enhance employment opportunities for CAFN Citizens through the provision of a non-repayable employment subsidy to a maximum of $10,000 for each approved CAFN Citizen employee.
What project is eligible?
Projects will be reviewed for alignment with increasing CAFN Citizen employment opportunities within the Yukon with a primary focus on new employment opportunities within the CAFN Traditional Territory.
Who may propose a project?
- CAFN Citizen entrepreneurs
- Dakwakada Development Corporation
- Champagne Aishihik Development Corporation
- Any business within the Yukon with a primary focus on opportunities within the Traditional Territory
What do you need to provide?
You will need to describe how your project meets the eligibility criteria above and a job description along with the name of the proposed CAFN Citizen employee.
For more information, please email: [email protected].
Download BEEF Application Form
BEEF Policy - approved October 2017
Dádu shä`w ule du
(Our Economy)
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Council released the Community Economic Development Plan in June 2012. The plan brings together insights contributed by more than 140 CAFN Citizens and guides CAFN further along the path of self-reliance. Valuable input was received on proposed policy objectives, how the community wants to benefit from economic development, and where Citizens see potential for development – the foundations of a community-owned plan.
Guiding Principles
CAFN acknowledges the value of both a traditional education and classroom studies. The following programs support young CAFN Citizens on their path of learning.
Guiding Principles
- Economic development must be done in a way that benefits future generations.
- Economic development must link CAFN Citizens with CAFN culture and traditions.
- CAFN Citizens want durable economic development.
- CAFN should focus economic development support on both individual entrepreneurs and collective corporations.
- Economic development needs to strengthen CAFN’s social fabric.
- CAFN Citizens recognize that economic development will involve trade-offs.
– Community Economic Development Plan (December 2012)
Business Assistance Program
CAFN’s Business Assistance Program provides guidance to those wishing to develop a business idea as well as ongoing support once the business is operating. The program supports access to business training courses offered through Yukon College in Haines Junction and Whitehorse.
The CAFN Entrepreneur Fund financially supports Citizens to pursue business activities by contributing to their equity in the venture.
Final Agreement Obligations
Governments are reviewing Chapter 22 of the Final Agreements to answer: Are Yukon Indian People achieving the intended economic benefits flowing from the Final Agreements?
CAFN Economic Development asks: if not, why not, and what can be done about it?