NEW! Dakwäkäda Warriors COVID-19 vaccine t-shirts

We are excited to share our brand new Dakwäkäda Warriors COVID-19 vaccine t-shirts designed by CAFN artist, Cole Pauls @TundraWizard!
These are gifts for all CAFN Citizens from us to you:
- A thank you to all the role models in our community who have chosen to be vaccinated!
- An encouragement for those who are still considering the vaccine, and
- A reminder there are still many who can’t be vaccinated, including our younger children, who we still need to look out for – Dúch’į Shį.
Every CAFN person can get a shirt, regardless of your vaccine status. Sizes available are from Youth XS to Adult 4XL.
We are handing out these shirts because we care about you. We want every one of our Citizens to get through this pandemic safely. These t-shirts are our way to celebrate all of the Dakwäkäda Warriors who are role models in our community – by getting vaccinated and sharing our story, we came together to lead the way for vaccinations in the Yukon.
Where can you get your shirt?
All members of the CAFN Council have shirts and will be reaching out to Citizens to share them.
· Deputy Chief Marie McLaren
· Elder Councillor Mundy Joe
· Youth Councillor Jessica Mazur
· Councillor Mickey Beattie
· Councillor Barb Joe
· Councillor Rose Kushniruk
· Kaaxnox Dän Nätthe Ada (Chief Smith)
Shäw nithän – Gunałchish – Thank you!
Many thanks to all our people who will wear these shirts proudly.
Thank you to Cole Pauls for this amazing new design!
And thank you to Dakwakada Capital Investments for helping with the costs to buy the t-shirts.
We truly are stronger together.
Want to learn more?
Why is getting the COVID-19 vaccine important?
– The more people who choose to get the vaccine, the better we can protect ourselves and our loved ones, and the sooner COVID-19 pandemic measures will end.
– It is dän k’e (our way) to take care of one another and to protect our community, especially our most vulnerable and people who can’t be vaccinated yet.
– Right now in the Yukon, anyone age 12 and up is eligible to get the vaccine.
Is it safe? Is it effective?
– Yes. Scientific information from the governments of Canada and Yukon shows the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective. Council believes in the approval process for the vaccinations undertaken by Health Canada. All our Chief and Council members have chosen to get the vaccine.
– As time goes on, we continue to see how important the vaccine is to prevent serious illness and death from the COVID virus.
– The risk of serious illness from getting COVID-19 is far, far greater than any risk from the vaccine.
– Yukon – Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines:
Benefits of getting the vaccine?
We are seeing that it safer for people who are vaccinated to begin having more freedom to safely go about their lives. Please check out these resources with COVID safety guidance for people who are vaccinated and not vaccinated:
Do you have more questions?
– If you are not certain, it is OK to ask questions and voice your concerns. The decision about whether to get COVID vaccine is important and there is a lot of information that can make it confusing.
– You can talk to friends and family who have gotten the vaccine to learn about their experience.
– It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor or a medical professional.
– And has a lot of information and answers to common questions.
– Be sure to get your information from a trustworthy source, like the government of Yukon or Canada, or the World Health Organization. There is a lot of misinformation put out by people who do not care about you, your health or your family.