NOTICE – Heritage, Lands and Resources Youth Bison Hunt Camp

NOTICE – Heritage, Lands and Resources Youth Bison Hunt Camp


Heritage, Lands and Resources Youth Bison Hunt Camp

Date: February 15 – 19 (3 full days of hunting on the land)

Location: 29 Mile Facility, Aishihik Road

Participants: This hunt will have 6 spots for youth over 12

Adults over 18 may attend on their own, may be required to double up with a youth. If you would like to go, you will need to register with either Micheal Jim or Josée Lemieux-Tremblay at the Haines Junction CAFN Office.

You must have your own snowmobile to attend and pack WARM gear, ensure youth have proper winter clothing. You may be required to provide your own transportation of snowmobile to 29 Mile, Aishihik Road.

Purpose of the Gathering: This outdoor cultural experience camp is hosted by HLR to promote and support CAFN youth abilities to stay connected to our cultural traditions. The goal of this Youth Bison Hunt Camp is to provide our youth with a positive opportunity to participate in cultural land-based activities while introducing them to our lands and its attributes. Also assisting our youth to preserve the subsistence lifestyle, wilderness navigation, while learning both traditional and contemporary methods of harvest and learning from our experienced traditional harvesters.

If you are interested in being a Hunter, passing and teaching DÄN K’E or looking for more information regarding this Youth Bison Hunt Camp, please contact Micheal Jim or Josée Lemieux-Tremblay or call our HLR’s Office in Haines Junction at (867) 634-4200, ext. 251.