September 25, 2020
CAFN Citizens:
Over the last eighteen (18) months, the First Nations Council has been working to amend the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Government Administration Act, which was enacted in 2007 and amended in 2012. The GAA (Government Administration Act) provides for the establishment of Government departments or groups of departments under the leadership of directors and/or senior directors, hiring of staff, procurement of expert services, and the formation of boards, committees or councils to advise on and/or carry out matters under the administration of the First Nations Council.
The Act also addresses matters such as the delegation of powers and duties, and remuneration to members of the First Nations Council (including the Chief). The specifics about Council Remuneration are outlined in a regulation which will be passed under the Act. Other regulations are also passed under the Act including the Election Regulations, the Conflict of Interest Regulations and others (which are in development).
The Act is in place to make sure that the First Nations Council administers its duties under the Constitution in a way that reflects the values of good governance and transparency.
The GAA passed First Reading as of September, 2020 and the Governance Department would like to hear any input from Citizens regarding the Amendments made to the Act. The amendments were needed to bring the GAA up to date and clarify certain responsibilities and procedures where they were not clear.
The areas which have received Amendments are:
- Short Title
- Definitions
- Affirmation of Office
- Conflict of Interest
- Confidentiality
- Acceptance of Gifts
- Organization of Government
- Remuneration
- Temporary replacement, removal, resignation or disqualification of a member of the Council
- Administrative Dispute Resolution
- CAFN Laws
- Extraordinary Powers in an Emergency
The Act has passed first reading and will now be provided to other Senior Directors and Directors in each department for their review before second and third reading. After third reading, the Act will be passed into law. Proposed amendments to the Act have been reviewed by Executive Council and Executive Council of the Whole on several occasions before the Act received first reading.
To view a detailed Executive Summary of Legislative Changes, please follow this link: Legislative Changes
Please submit your comments or questions to Denise Beattie, Director of Governance at [email protected] before October 13, 2020.
We appreciate all feedback and suggestions. Kwä̀näschiss.
For more information please contact:
Denise Beattie
Director of Governance
867.456.6888 x 360
[email protected]