Klukshu and Champagne Cabin Lot Allocations
Klukshu and Champagne Cabin Lot Allocations
Resolutions 2016-12 (Champagne) and 2016-17 (Klukshu) passed at this past summer’s GA instructed CAFN to repossess and reallocate undeveloped cabin lots at Champagne and Klukshu. Chief and Council have directed the Lands and Resources Department to reallocate those lots.
- 8 cabin lots will be available at Klukshu.
- They will be open for applications through a land lottery process in EARLY 2017.
- Before the Klukshu land lottery can occur, CAFN must make amendments to the CAFN Lands Policy to develop a fair lottery process.
- The Lottery will be advertised in early February 2016. A clear process will be in place along with application forms and a map.
- We expect the Lottery Draw will take place in early March 2017.
- Updates and additional information will be available on our website at cafn.ca, on Facebook at Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, and posted in CAFN offices. Please stay tuned.
- Lots are now available in the Champagne cabin subdivision
- These lots were previously unavailable due to flooding concerns. The lots that are now available are deemed suitable for development.
- Application forms and a map of the subdivision are available upon request in both the CAFN Haines Junction and Whitehorse Offices.
- New areas for future development in Champagne will be explored when revisiting the Community Land Use Plan. The planning process will start in January 2016.
- Watch for a meeting date in January 2016 for Citizens to create a community plan that meets the needs of the community of Champagne.
If you would like more information, please contact Graham Boyd at: 867-456-6886 or [email protected].