Dän nätthe dätthʼi (Chief and Council)
The CAFN Dän nätthe dätthʼi or Council is elected every four years and made up of:
- The Dän nätthe äda (Chief)
- Four Dän nätthe dätthʼi (Councillors);
- One Äshäw Dän nätthe äda (Elder Councillor); and
- One Shäna Dän nätthe äda (Youth Councillor).
The Council appoints one of its members to serve as Deputy Chief to carry out Chief responsibilities when the Chief is not available.
The Council is the law-making branch of CAFN. Other responsibilities of the Council are identified in the CAFN Constitution.

The CAFN Council serving from 2022-2026 is:
Dän nätthe äda K’úkhįá (Chief Barb Joe)
Äshäw Dän nätthe äda Onkee (Elder Councillor Carol Buzzel)
Shäna Dän nätthe äda Ughats’etsäna Mą (Youth Councillor Shyenne Sparvier-Kinney)
Dän nätthe dätthʼi (Councillors):
Tásūnhá (Donnie Williams)
Dé tthó (Margaret Chiblow)
Kätänayeátá (Lawrence Joe)
Shädäsgè (Sharmane Jones)
So You Want to Run for Council booklet
Election regulations
Our Constitution
2022 Election
2018 Election
Executive Council Office
The Executive Council Office provides administrative support for the functions of the main branches of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations government:
- the Dän nätthe dä̀tthʼi (Chief and Council)
- the Nłäshējel (General Assembly)
- the Boards and Committee
- the Elders Senate and
- the Youth Council.
Doreen Williams
Executive Assistant to Council
(867) 634-5319
[email protected]