CAFN COVID-19 Bulletin 4: March 24, 2020

CAFN COVID-19 Bulletin 4: March 24, 2020


CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) is taking a proactive approach to slow the spread of COVID-19 to our communities and the Yukon.  We must act now to save lives.

Message from the Chief

“This evening, I announced new ways our nation is helping Citizens prepare for and deal with new needs arising due to COVID-19.  We recognize that we must act quickly.  Now is the time for all of us to prepare for what is to come, so CAFN will make every effort to flow the funds to you as quickly as possible.  Please see details in this bulletin on how to apply.”

Kaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda – Steve Smith, Chief

What should CAFN Citizens do?

Strictly follow all health directives by the governments of Yukon and Canada. PREVENTION is the only medical treatment for COVID-19 at this time. We all must act to prevent infection of ourselves and others.

  • Monitor yourself and household members for symptoms.
  • Report COVID-19 symptoms: If you or your immediate family have symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, phone 811 and stay home.  Use the COVID-19 online assessment tool at Yukon.ca to help.
  • Restrict travel – stay home except for essential travel.
  • Space yourself 2 metres awayfrom people outside your home (social distancing).
  • Self-isolate 14 days if you or an immediate household member have traveled outside the Yukon or Canada.
  • Wash your hands frequently and dry with a clean, dry towel or paper towel.
  • Disinfect frequently-touched home surfaces like counters, door knobs, light switches, water taps, etc.
  • Prepare a space to isolate in case you or a family member becomes ill.
  • Talk with your family.  Ensure your children, Elder family members and others understand and are practicing safety measures.
  • Support vulnerable and at-risk family members by delivering groceries and supplies to the doorsteps of high risk family and friends so they don’t need to go out.
  • Be kind: Have patience and compassion for yourself and others.  This is a difficult time and how you behave will set an example for others.

What is CAFN doing?

New Supports

Our Council recognizes the need to act quickly to help Citizens where we can.  Many of you are facing new and unexpected circumstances and costs, and CAFN wants to help.  These supports are a first response to help you prepare.  Council will continue to address new challenges as they arise and notify Citizens of any new measures.

Elders Benefits will be doubled for the month of April.  There is no need to apply, this will happen automatically. Questions? Please contact:  Trish George at (867) 336-1598 or [email protected].
Income Assistance for basic needs will be doubled for the month of April.  There is no need to apply.  If you are currently a client receiving income assistance from CAFN, this will happen automatically.  Any new applications will be assessed based on income. Questions? Please contact: Annette Eikland at (867) 634-5361 or [email protected] Robert Van Lieshout at (867) 634-5191 or [email protected]
Students receiving support from Champagne and Aishihik will receive April funding as planned.
NEW: COVID-19 Citizen Assistance Fund This is a new fund to support all CAFN Citizens with unexpected new costs due to COVID19. Who is eligible? All CAFN Citizens age 18 and olderSingle Citizens are eligible for one-time assistance for $250 Canadian.CAFN households with families are eligible for one-time assistance of $500 Canadian. To apply, please contact: Marlaine Joe at (867) 634-4200 ext 235 or [email protected] Holly Underschultz at (867) 335-6421 or [email protected]
Mental Wellness Support
Nataschaa Chatterton, Trauma Counsellor
Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Support during COVID-19
Telehealth, SKYPE, or walks (social distancing, in Haines Junction)
Addressing: anxiety, grief, fear, depression, worry, uncertainty, anger
Adults and youth 867-335-4460 – [email protected] No fee
  • CAFN continues to provide Essential Services including: Municipal Services, Property Services, Communications, Finance, Income Assistance, Community Wellness including Elders support and Community Care, and Chief and Council business.
  • All CAFN offices and public facilities remain closed to the public. 
  • All CAFN gatherings are cancelled or postponed until further notice.

What is the Government of Yukon doing?

The Chief Medical Officer announced new measures this week to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Yukon.  All of the following are currently in effect:

  • No travel in or out of the Yukon Territory (returning travelers must self-isolate 14 days).
  • No non-essential travel in or out of rural Yukon communities.
  • All restaurant dining rooms will be closed effective March 26.  Take-out and delivery services only going forward.
  • All bars and personal services are closed.
  • All social gatherings of 10 or more people are banned. 
  • Setting up a new respiratory assessment centre at the Yukon Convention Centre.
  • Providing self-isolation rooms where required.
  • Offering an online COVID-19 assessment tool.
  • Working to improve 811 health emergency phone service.
  • Suspending classes at Yukon public schools until April 15, 2020.
  • Closing public recreation centres (including the Canada Games Centre) and libraries and closing hospitals to visitors.

Watch for important information for Yukoners on COVID-19 at Yukon.ca

What is the Government of Canada doing?

The Government of Canada is taking new actions to respond and adapt to COVID-19.  This includes new ways to help people who are unable to work.  Visit Canada.ca for the best information.  The Prime Minister also addresses Canadians daily between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Yukon time on radio and TV.

New federal and Yukon supports are also being created daily to help people meet new needs during COVID-19.  Please watch for them and apply where you are eligible.

Questions?  Please contact us.

You can continue to reach us at our main office at (867) 634-4200 Monday to Fridayduring business hours. You can also reach staff by email and as noted under the New Supports above.

Communication:  We are continuing a daily bulletin and sharing health resources at CAFN.ca, on our Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Facebook page, by email, and by door-to-door deliveries in CAFN communities as often as possible. Notices and information will also be posted outside community halls.