CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response: Bulletin 30

CAFN COVID-19 Planning and Response: Bulletin 30

Please click here for Bulletin 30 as a printable pdf w/ live links

Dear Citizens,

 As we begin a new year and the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we still stand together and support each other, even when we are apart.

 We do what we must.  We stay strong together.  We care for each other.  That is who we are – dän shawthän – good people.

 The Yukon and Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) both remain in a State of Emergency since November 2021 – first to combat the Delta wave, and now as we are in the Omicron wave.  With Omicron, we are seeing a major shift in the pandemic.  It is more contagious, but most people are getting less sick.  The risk of serious illness remains greatest for our most vulnerable, which means our Elders, people with other health issues, and kids and adults who are not vaccinated.

 Today there are five confirmed active cases in Dakwäkäda, 459 active cases in the Yukon, and likely many cases that have not been counted, as testing is no longer required for those healthy enough to recover at home.  At this time, our Yukon hospitals only have two patients in care for COVID. But, with rapid spread and a higher number of cases, we could quickly overwhelm our health care system which is critical to care for our most vulnerable.

 That is why it is so important to stay the course and use the tools to get through this wave.

 Follow the Safe 6 + 1

  1. Stay home when sick, get tested and self-isolate when required.
  2. Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
  3. Respect others by keeping a safe distance – one moose apart.
  4. Gather safely: avoid the 3 Cs (crowded places, closed spaces and close contact).
  5. Travel respectfully by following local guidance and respecting the rules of each business.
  6. Keep your space clean and open windows to improve air flow.

+1 Wear a mask

 Get vaccinated and boosted.  COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are working – they help prevent serious illness from COVID-19 and Omicron. Please protect yourself and others by getting fully vaccinated as soon as possible.

 Feel sick? Stay home.  If you feel sick, no matter how mild. If you have symptoms, even if you have a negative rapid test result, please stay home.

Support each other  If you or a family member are sick, please help each other.  Many in our community may be required to self-isolate and need help to get basic supplies and groceries.  It is a good idea to plan ahead with family and friends and rely on those supports whenever possible. 

 CAFN services during Omicron   Our ultimate goal is to continue the high level of service we already have at CAFN, but important services may be impacted if many of our staff become ill.  If you are in a COVID situation, please contact CAFN and let us who is best to connect with in your family about supports.  But please be aware that our Community Wellness and other teams have ongoing critical supports to deliver and there are limits to our capacity.

 Testing   COVID-19 rapid self-tests are still available for Citizens, staff and your families.  These tests work well to detect when someone is infectious with COVID-19, however, if you have symptoms and test negative, it is still important to stay home and follow public health guidance for isolation.  Please read more about testing and isolation in this bulletin.

 Gunałchish, Kaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda – Chief Steve Smith


How should you care for a family member who is sick?

  • ­ If someone in your house has COVID, here are some tips to keep you and your household safe:
  • ­Limit the caregiving responsibilities to one person. Ideally this person would be fully vaccinated.
  • ­Protect yourselves by both wearing a medical mask, washing hands frequently, disinfecting high touch surfaces, distancing when possible, and maintaining good ventilation in common rooms.
  • *Stock up on essential items like groceries, cleaning supplies and prescriptions ahead of time.
  • ­Monitor the symptoms of the person you are taking care of, as well as yourself.
  • ­The caregiver must quarantine along with the COVID-19 positive person.
  • ­If you must drive the person you are taking care of to the hospital, make sure you call ahead to warn them they are positive.

For more information:  https://yukon.ca/en/information-about-novel-coronavirus-self-isolating-home

What should you do if you are a close contact?

­For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet (2 metres) for a combined total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period while someone’s in their infectious period.

­The infectious period, which is when someone can spread illness, is usually 2 days before the start of their symptoms until 10 days after symptoms develop.

Household members: If you live with someone who has COVID-19 you must isolate while they are isolating.

 What does Self-Monitoring mean?

Self-monitoring means to check in with yourself daily to see if you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19. If you have any symptoms, no matter how mild, isolate and seek testing (PCR or rapid antigen). If you are self-monitoring, it’s a good idea to lay-low by avoiding close contact at gatherings and vulnerable community. Wear a mask and practice CAFN’s Safe 6.

Need help?

For help with vaccine appointments and other requests for COVID support, please phone our Community Wellness team at (867) 634-4200 ext 211 or (867) 456-6888 ext 211 OR talk to your regular CAFN Community Wellness support person.

Our CAFN team cannot provide medical advice, but we can help you find answers to your questions and make sure you have access to information provided by the Government of Yukon.


Yukon COVID-19 info: Phone toll free 7 days a week between 8:30 a.m. and 9 p.m.: 1-877-374-0425

Email: Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday: covid19info@yukon.ca

CAFN.ca/covid-19             Yukon.ca                  Canada.ca                CYFN.ca/covid-19

COVID-19 VACCINES are available for ages 5 and up!

 Haines Junction: residents of Canyon, Champagne and Takhini River Subdivision welcome

Ages 5-11, February 2, 3 and 10, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Ages 12+ adults and boosters, January 21, 9 a.m. until noon and 1 to 4 p.m.

Book online and learn more at www.yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot or call the health centre at 867-634-4444.

Whitehorse:  Yukon Convention Centre, 4051-4th Avenue

Ages 5-11, Fridays 9 a.m. to noon – please watch for more dates in February

Ages 12+ adults and boosters, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. & Wednesday: 12 to 7 p.m.

Book online at www.yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot or phone 1-877-374-0425.