CAFN Honours Dr. Brendan Hanley for COVID-19 Leadership & Collaboration
October 18, 2021
Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction, Yukon) – Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) presented our new Yukon Member of Parliament, Dr. Brendan Hanley, with a beaded moose skin jacket on October 17, 2021 during the 2021 CAFN General Assembly.
“I want to honour this gentleman, because he did a lot of work that kept our people safe. On behalf of Champagne Aishihik I present to you this gift that you may wear proudly and represent who you are as a Yukon MP and someone who comes from the Yukon,” said Dän Nätthe Äda Kaaxnox (Chief Steve Smith).
The jacket was presented by the full CAFN Chief and Council and witnessed by all attendees at the General Assembly, who showed their appreciation for Dr. Hanley with a standing ovation.
“During many months as we faced the pandemic, there were a lot of meetings about how to keep our community safe. He had a lot of hard questions from CAFN and a lot of hard days. We were all in this fight together, and he was a real leader. He answered every Chief’s call, and every leader’s call. It was a scary time for us and we built a very strong relationship together. We understood where people were going,” said Dän Nätthe Äda Kaaxnox. “When people work for us, we have to make sure we acknowledge them and make sure they feel good for the work they have done for us.”
Elder Barb Hume, who led sewing of the jacket, helped present it to Dr. Hanley and described how CAFN Community Wellness staff worked and learned together to create and design the beautiful beadwork.
The CAFN Council commended all CAFN Citizens and staff for their strong response to support each other during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I want to commend our CAFN staff, especially our Community Wellness team, who really stepped up. From the Chief and Council to our janitorial staff, Champagne Aishihik has always been the leader,” said Dän Nätthe Äda Kaaxnox. “It goes to the fact of who we are as a people. We are a people who know how to take care of one another. We know that Dúch’į shį – because we gotta do it, we do it. Because our old ones said, that is what we do.”
For photos and the full video of the CAFN Council and Elder Barb Hume presenting the jacket, please visit Champagne and Aishihik First Nations on Facebook.
About Dr. Hanley’s jacket:
- Sewed by Elder Barb Hume and CAFN Community Wellness staff;
- Beadwork sewing:
- Ram’s head by Brenda Lee Asp;
- Yukon Territory with heart by Dorothy John;
- Fireweed by Darline Blair;
- Yukon crest by Liz Jim, Dorothy Moose, and Joyce Hume;
- Fireweed on back by Joyce Hume;
- Blue flowers by Nicole Nicholas-Workman;
- Sizing and support by Marion Primozic;
- Bone buttons by Chuck Hume;
- Moose hide contributed by Richard Smith, CAFN Cultural Centre programs.
For more information:
Jenna Henderson
Communications Officer
(867) 634-4200 ext 237 or 334-6264
Amy McKinnon
Strategic Communications Manager
(867) 332-1973