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Elders & Summer Student Year End Camp

August 14, 2023 - August 18, 2023

Traditional harvesting, food preservation and on the land activities, Elders sharing their knowledge with youth.

Elders please contact Jacquie Chambers at 867-634-5219 or jchambers@cafn.ca
Summer students please contact Lena Sidney at 867-332-1786 or lsidney@cafn.ca
For Salmon related questions, please contact Brittany Au at 1-778- 533-1150 or bau@cafn.ca





Summer Students/Elders Camp

Łu Ga (Klukshu)

August 14-18, 2023


Monday, August 14 10 AM

Arrive to Klukshu

Demonstrate fish gaffing / (Set fish net (Maybe)-Lake at Klukshu)-HLR has boats we can use. PLAN B – Prepare trout instead of salmon if the numbers are low.

Fish from the weir

Group 1 – Levi-Set gopher traps

Group 2 – Marion-Collect cotton wood

12 PM


·         Explain the general camp rules

·         Where to meet in an emergency and bear safety.-Designate a muster location.

Set up camp

Fish caught during gaffing session, some cleaned and cooked for camp and the rest will be stored for jarring.

5 PM


Finish setting up camps.

Free time

Tuesday, August 15 8:30 AM


*Prep lunch bags

Levi-check gopher traps, and fish net (based on numbers).

Travel and pick berries

12 PM

Lunch (Bag Lunch)

Marion-collecting medicine

Berry picking

Return to camp-Clean and stretch gopher hides.

5 PM


Hand game practice-Picking teams

Board games / Free Time

Sewing with Vivian and Martha Smith– bags/purses

Story Telling-Open mic

Wednesday, August 16 8:30 AM


9:30 AM – Luke and Language Group Scavenger Hunt

12 PM


Women work with Marion- Soaps.

Men work with Levi and guardians with fish gaffs.

Check traps – clean and stretch gopher hides

5 PM


Hand game practice

Board games / Free time

Sewing with Elders – Vivian and Martha Smith – bags/purses

Story telling-Open mic

Thursday, August 17 8:30 AM


Jar fish. –Rita Burns to help cut and can fish.

12 PM


Jar Jam-Rita Burns to help with making jam.

5 PM


Hand game Finals.

Board Games / Free Time

Sewing with elders Vivian and Martha Smith– bags/purses

Story Telling-Open mic

Friday, August 18 8:30 AM


Distribute the rest to the group.

(Put some two cases of fish and berries for post-sec gifts.)


12 PM


Pack and take camp down.

Walk through Klukshu and pick up garbage. Everyone!

Travel home