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Trapper Information Workshop

October 21, 2015 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Concerns over low moose populations have been an ongoing issue with Champagne and Aishihik Citizens. The moose population in the Alsek area (Game Zone 7) is extremely low, and current harvest rates are not sustainable. Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Yukon Government (YG) and the Alsek Renewable Resource Council (ARRC) are working together on a community based moose management plan for the Alsek/B.C. area.

CAFN, YG, and the ARRC are developing a community wolf snare initiative and our intent is to work with local community trappers and increase knowledge and awareness while maintaining traditional values.

We are seeking trappers from the Champagne and Aishihik Traditional Territory to be part of this program. These trappers will be the eyes and ears on the land.

Trappers training workshops and humane wolf snaring courses will be offered but dates have yet to be decided.

Overall this program is planned to improve community education and awareness of moose management concerns and sustainability goals, encourage more intensive wolf trapping activity, and attempt to improve moose populations mainly in the Alsek area and to ensure that trappers and the community can be involved and stay informed of the program goals.

There will be a trappers information workshop open for all trappers in Haines Junction at the ARRC office 6:00 PM Wednesday, October 21.

If you are interested or would like more information please call or email:
Kimberly Chambers
Community Trapping Coordinator

Thank you.