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In this application you must include:
Please be advised that we are unable to process incomplete applications. If your application is not complete, it will be on hold until all of the necessary information is received.
For assistance in completing this form, please contact CAFN Property Services at 867-634-4200. The information contained in this document is confidential and only for the information of the individuals authorized to receive and retain this information.
Please provide information on your current and last 2 residences. Note: The application is not complete unless this information is provided.
If the condition of your current accommodation is poor please provide photos:
Please provide photos:
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their application is up to date. Application forms must be updated annually, or when the applicants’ information changes. Applications over one year old will be destroyed.
For assistance in completing this form, please contact CAFN Property Services at 867-634-4200. The information contained in this document is confidential and only for the information of the individuals authorised to receive and retain this information.
Dear Sir/Madam: I/we have applied to Champagne and Aishihik First Nations for a rental housing unit and are required to provide confirmation of our tenancy record. Please complete the following: