Hall Rental Agreement

Hall Rental Agreement

Hall Location
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Event Info
Primary Contact Name
Billing Address:

CAFN Citizen Event? (50% discount for CAFN Citizens)
CAFN Funeral? (no charge)
CAFN Clan Meeting? (No charge)

Deposit: $200.00

Method of payment:

*Actual and final rental fees and expenses including equipment rental and additional charges will be detailed in the final invoice.


  1. This booking does not take effect until this agreement is signed by the renter & returned to the Champagne & Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) Property Services Department.
  2. Rent for the Halls are to be paid in advance, unless other arrangements have been made with the Property Services Department.
  3. CAFN Property Services staff must be notified as soon as possible regarding any cancellations.
  4. There will be a damage and key deposit of $200.00 to be paid in advance. Any damages exceeding the deposit amount will be billed to, and paid for, by the renter.
  5. The User must not exceed the posted maximum capacity allowed for the facility.
  6. The user will not use pins, thumbtacks or staples to post notices or decorations
  7. The User is responsible for the set-up and take down of tables and chairs. Tables and chairs are not to be dragged across the floors or to be removed from the hall at any time.
  8. The user is responsible for clean-up of the facility (tables, chairs, floors, bathrooms, kitchen, and garbage). If the hall is not thoroughly cleaned by the user, the user will be invoiced for any additional cleaning.
  9. The User is responsible for securing the facility during the period of this agreement and when they vacate it.
  10. The user is responsible to obtain any necessary permits and provide copies to the CAFN Property Services Department.
  11. The User accepts financial responsibility for any damage caused to the facility while being rented.
  12. All CAFN Community Halls are non-smoking.
  13. Keys are to be returned to the CAFN Property Services Office by 4:30 pm the following business day.
  14. The User agrees to save harmless and indemnify the CAFN from any claim whatsoever arising out of the use of the equipment or occupation of the facility by the User.

The undersigned agree to the terms of this contract and will abide by the rules of the facility.

Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Clear Signature
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Rental Rates and Guidelines

Takhini Hall
Full Day - $200
Half Day (4 hours or less) - $100
Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $400

Champagne Hall
Full Day - $300
Half Day (4 hours or less) - $150
Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700

Full Day - $200
Half Day (4 hours or less) - $100

Klukshu Hall (Apr. 1 -Sept. 30)
Full Day - $300
Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700

Klukshu Hall (Oct. 1- Mar. 31)
Facility opening cost (once closed) - $1500
Full Day - $300
Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700

NOTE: There will be no charge for CAFN Citizens’ funerals or Clan meetings held in Community Halls.

Rental Classifications

There are two rental rate classifications for the Community Halls: NOTE: There will be no charge for CAFN Citizens’ funerals or Clan meetings held in Community Halls.

  1. CAFN citizen and CAFN corporate Users
    A reduced rate of 50% applies to all CAFN citizens, CAFN-affiliated organizations such as Dakwakada Development Corporation, CAFN Community Corporation and any subsidiary companies.
  2. Public, Corporate and Community Users
    The above posted rates apply to all other user groups.

The use of Community Halls for potlatches (either funeral or headstone) will be given priority. Whenever possible, advanced notice is recommended and may allow the first choice of date. The use of the Hall for potlatch bookings can be up to 3 days, which includes the use of the kitchen the day prior to and the day following the day of the potlatch.

CAFN staff reserves the right to decline a booking to any User who will be presenting material or undertaking activities contrary to CAFN objectives and/or values of the community. Discretion shall be given to the Director of Property Services.

Any events which include liquor at a Community Hall must be covered by either a special occasion or reception permit. See section on Permits. No alcohol is permitted on site without a proper permit. The User is required to have sufficient food and non-alcoholic drinks available. It is also the responsibility of the User to have a plan in advance to ensure that all guests who consume alcohol can get home safely (i.e. designated driver).

All permits and licences are the sole responsibility of the User. Permits must be in place and a copy provided to the Property Services Department before the event begins. Any User serving alcohol is required to have servers trained to monitor alcohol consumption.

Reception Permit
Users wishing to give away alcohol must obtain a Reception Permit from the Yukon Liquor Corporation. Any individual may apply. Users must insure that minors are not served and that all necessary precautions are in place to provide a safe and healthy event. The user is responsible to ensure that guests who are consuming alcohol are acting responsibly.

Special Occasion
Users wishing to sell alcohol during their event must apply for a Special Occasion permit from the Yukon Liquor Corporation. This permit is only available to not-for-profit societies.

COVID 19 Guidelines for Community Hall rentals

The user is responsible to ensure that All Yukon Government COVID 19 guidelines are being followed at all times.

6 steps to staying safe

  1. Maintain physical distancing – keep 2 metres away from everyone who’s not a member of your bubble.
  2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  3. Stay home if you’re feeling sick.
  4. Don’t gather in groups of more than 10 people indoors or 50 outdoors, and remember to keep 2 metres (6 feet) apart.
  5. Limit travel to rural communities, and be respectful when you’re there.
  6. Self-isolate if you’ve:
    • just returned to Yukon and have been outside of British Columbia, Nunavut or Northwest Territories in the last 14 days; or
    • been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19​.

The user is responsible to increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting. This includes common, high-touch areas:

  • Kitchen area
  • Counters
  • Bathrooms
  • seating;
  • doorknobs;
  • railings;
  • light switches;
  • removal of Garbage

If food is being served:

  • serve food and plates directly to the guests (no self-serve or buffet style meals) ‒ consider serving individually wrapped food items;
  • remove all shared containers from the dining areas (such as water or milk pitchers and snack bowls);
  • all who are handling food must practise diligent hand hygiene;