Forms >
Deposit: $200.00
*Actual and final rental fees and expenses including equipment rental and additional charges will be detailed in the final invoice.
The undersigned agree to the terms of this contract and will abide by the rules of the facility.
Takhini Hall Full Day - $200 Half Day (4 hours or less) - $100 Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $400
Champagne Hall Full Day - $300 Half Day (4 hours or less) - $150 Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700
Munku Full Day - $200 Half Day (4 hours or less) - $100
Klukshu Hall (Apr. 1 -Sept. 30) Full Day - $300 Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700
Klukshu Hall (Oct. 1- Mar. 31) Facility opening cost (once closed) - $1500 Full Day - $300 Potlatch (up to 3 days) - $700
NOTE: There will be no charge for CAFN Citizens’ funerals or Clan meetings held in Community Halls.
There are two rental rate classifications for the Community Halls: NOTE: There will be no charge for CAFN Citizens’ funerals or Clan meetings held in Community Halls.
CAFN POTLATCH BOOKINGS The use of Community Halls for potlatches (either funeral or headstone) will be given priority. Whenever possible, advanced notice is recommended and may allow the first choice of date. The use of the Hall for potlatch bookings can be up to 3 days, which includes the use of the kitchen the day prior to and the day following the day of the potlatch.
DISCRETION CAFN staff reserves the right to decline a booking to any User who will be presenting material or undertaking activities contrary to CAFN objectives and/or values of the community. Discretion shall be given to the Director of Property Services.
CAFN COMMUNITY HALLS ARE UNLICENSED FACILITIES. Any events which include liquor at a Community Hall must be covered by either a special occasion or reception permit. See section on Permits. No alcohol is permitted on site without a proper permit. The User is required to have sufficient food and non-alcoholic drinks available. It is also the responsibility of the User to have a plan in advance to ensure that all guests who consume alcohol can get home safely (i.e. designated driver).
PERMITS All permits and licences are the sole responsibility of the User. Permits must be in place and a copy provided to the Property Services Department before the event begins. Any User serving alcohol is required to have servers trained to monitor alcohol consumption.
Reception Permit Users wishing to give away alcohol must obtain a Reception Permit from the Yukon Liquor Corporation. Any individual may apply. Users must insure that minors are not served and that all necessary precautions are in place to provide a safe and healthy event. The user is responsible to ensure that guests who are consuming alcohol are acting responsibly.
Special Occasion Users wishing to sell alcohol during their event must apply for a Special Occasion permit from the Yukon Liquor Corporation. This permit is only available to not-for-profit societies.
The user is responsible to ensure that All Yukon Government COVID 19 guidelines are being followed at all times.
The user is responsible to increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting. This includes common, high-touch areas:
If food is being served: