

Dear Citizens:

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations (CAFN) is putting additional precautions in place due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the Yukon.  We are working toward the common good, which is to keep people alive.

Every action we are taking is viewed through the lens of safety.   Council always strives to be Dän Shawthän (good people) and to put our people and communities first. The following measures are in place for two weeks.  We will continue to monitor and assess the situation, and adapt as needed.  We will keep Citizens updated of any changes.

CAFN Safety Measures in effect now are:

  • Masks are now required for all CAFN employees in common work areas and shared spaces.
  • 25% or fewer staff may work in CAFN offices, with a focus on staff who provide essential services. Staff are encouraged to work from home whenever it is possible to do so.
  • Limit travel – We’ve directed staff not to travel to CAFN communities right now except to deliver essential services. We also recommend Citizens avoid unnecessary travel and visits now.
  • The Youth Centre is closed. Virtual programs will be offered where possible, and outdoor activities will be considered.
  • The Shawkwunlee Daycare continues to operate at current levels (about 50%) in keeping with Yukon government regulations.  We are reviewing daycare operations on an ongoing basis.
  • No in-person gatherings or meetings, virtual gatherings only.  Planning for Christmas Connects activities continues with a focus on virtual activities. Contactless deliveries and pick-ups are allowed, and outdoor activities are being considered. 
  • Language immersion classes are virtual only through December 17, 2020, when classes end for the holiday break. We will reassess for January 2021.
  • Da Kų Cultural Centre and community halls are closed. This includes funerals.
  • Bus Service continues with small numbers and safe spacing.
  • CAFN offices remain closed to the public, but we are still open to serve Citizens every day.

What can you do?

We all have a role to play in keeping our communities healthy and safe.  Please be a Safe 6 Champion and practice the steps recommended by Dr. Hanley (practicesafe6.ca).  And I urge everyone to wear your mask in public now.  Don’t wait till December 1.  

If you have questions or concerns about possible violations of Yukon’s current COVID-19 orders, please visit https://yukon.ca/en/health-and-wellness/covid-19-information/borders-and-travel-covid-19/border-enforcement-during-covid-19

You can report concerns and ask questions:

  • Through the online form: https://yukon.ca/en/cema-report,
  • Phone toll free: 1-877-374-0425, or
  • Email your questions to [email protected].
  • Anyone with information on suspicious cross-border activities is encouraged to call the CBSA Border Watch Line 1-888-502-9060.

We also encourage you to keep yourself informed.  There is a lot of misinformation circulating about COVID-19 right now, so please check the facts.  Good sources of information include:

 Attend a Virtual Community Meeting

I invite you to attend one of our virtual COVID-19 community meetings this week to share your concerns and ideas.  Please visit https://cafn.ca/events/ , follow us on Facebook at Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, or call or email us for the meeting schedule and full details.

Thank You

I thank all Citizens for your continued support for one another as we go through this difficult time together.  We especially send encouragement to our friends and family currently battling an outbreak in Northway, Alaska.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Dúch’į shį.  We are doing what we need to do to get through the pandemic together.


Kaaxnox, Dän nätthe äda (Chief Steve Smith)