NEWS RELEASE: Healing Journey to Kamloops Residential School

NEWS RELEASE: Healing Journey to Kamloops Residential School


August 6, 2021

Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction, Yukon) – On Monday, August 9, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Citizens will meet the Warrior Walkers to honour them as they arrive at the former Kamloops residential school.

The Warrior Walkers began their healing journey from Kwanlin (Whitehorse, Yukon) to Kamloops, BC on June 26, 2021. The CAFN Council has organized a small group of survivors and descendants to travel to Kamloops to show support for the Walkers and to attend a ceremony of healing on August 9, 2021.

“This is a journey of healing for our people and for all of Canada. The discovery and acknowledgement happening today brings to light the young lives lost over decades at residential schools, and honours our survivors and their families who still live with intergenerational trauma today,” said Dän Nätthe Äda Kaaxnox (Chief Steve Smith). “We hold
up and show our support for all the Warrior Walkers, especially our Citizens Julie Smith and Diane Strand. Their journey has become a movement that raises awareness around the world and for our future generations.”

A small group of Citizens, including three Council members (Kaaxnox, Dän Nätthe Äda – Chief Steve Smith, Elder Councillor Mundy Joe, and Councillor Barb Joe), will be in attendance at the ceremony. CAFN participants are driving or flying to Kamloops and the First Nation is assisting with travel costs.

All CAFN travellers are following a robust COVID-19 safety plan throughout the trip. Every participant must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, able to travel independently with no severe health conditions, flexible with travel dates, and aware of environmental factors (such as air quality or extreme heat).

For more information about the Warriors Walk, please visit: Northern Nations Alliance on Facebook.

For details on the August 9 welcome, please visit: https://tkemlups.ca/event/aug-9-warriors-walk-for-healing-nations/.


For more information:

Jenna Henderson
Communications Officer
(867) 634-4200 ext 237 or 334-6264

Amy McKinnon
Strategic Communications Manager
(867) 332-1973