Yukon First Nations invite Yukoners to Public Forum on proposed changes to YESAA

Yukon First Nations invite Yukoners to Public Forum on proposed changes to YESAA

It’s Time to Have Your Voice Heard
Yukon First Nations Invite Yukoners to Public Forum

Whitehorse, Yukon (November 12, 2014) – Self-governing Yukon First Nations believe that Yukoners have a right to voice their concerns on the proposed changes to the Yukon Environment and Socio-economic Act (YESAA) through Bill S-6.

Since Canada failed to consult with Yukoners on this important matter, Yukon First Nations decided to hold a Public Forum where all would have an opportunity to learn about and discuss the changes to YESAA. These changes will affect all Yukoners.

“If Bill S-6 passes in Ottawa, it will impact everyone in the Yukon and put the entire Yukon environment and economy at risk,” said Chief Eric Fairclough of Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation. “Our First Nations governments are working together to oppose these amendments to YESAA because they absolutely undermine our Aboriginal rights and breach our land claim Agreements.”

The First Nations oppose several of the amendments to YESAA because they threaten the independence and impartiality of the development assessment process in the Yukon and permit political interference.

“If Canada passes Bill S-6 and these amendments to YESAA, it will create uncertainty for new development and investment in the Yukon,” said Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Ruth Massie. “This would mean a huge step backward for the Yukon and we believe all Yukoners should have a say if Canada chooses to redraft our “made in Yukon” assessment process.”

The public forum is this Thursday, November 13, at 7 p.m. in the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre multipurpose room.

The self-governing Yukon First Nations invite the public to learn more about Bill S-6 and the proposed amendments to YESAA online at cyfn.ca/services/yesaa.

It is time for Yukoners to make their voices heard by attending the public forum and sending comments to Yukon’s federal representative, Member of Parliament, Ryan Leef.

For more information:

Line Gagnon Calypso, Communications
Phone: 867.336.2468

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