20 spots available.
Contact Eva to sign up 634-3300.
Champagne and Aishihik First Nation, the Yukon Government, and Parks Canada are hosting a community BBQ at the Da Kų Cultural Centre on August 24th from 4pm to 7pm. There will be great food, lots of door prizes, and a whole lot of fun! Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please join Teagyn Vallevand for a Beaded Mountain Cuff Workshop at Da Kų Cultural Centre.
There are 15 spots, please call 634-3300 to register!
Da ku Cultural Centre Smokehouse
Thursday, September 21-24 | 9 am to 5 pm Daily
Call Richard at 634-3309 or email at rsmith@cafn.ca to register.
If you are bringing your own hide make sure it is fully thawed out.
Da ku Cultural Centre Smokehouse
Thursday, September 21-24 | 9 am to 5 pm Daily
Call Richard at 634-3309 or email at rsmith@cafn.ca to register.
If you are bringing your own hide make sure it is fully thawed out.
Da ku Cultural Centre Smokehouse
Thursday, September 21-24 | 9 am to 5 pm Daily
Call Richard at 634-3309 or email at rsmith@cafn.ca to register.
If you are bringing your own hide make sure it is fully thawed out.
Da ku Cultural Centre Smokehouse
Thursday, September 21-24 | 9 am to 5 pm Daily
Call Richard at 634-3309 or email at rsmith@cafn.ca to register.
If you are bringing your own hide make sure it is fully thawed out.
If you are interested in meeting new folks, finding out about career opportunities or working on your resume; this FREE event is for you. (If you want to work on your resume at the Fair, please bring your information with you)
(Location may expand to include the St Elias Convention Centre)
Community Wellness is hosting a SPOOKTACULAR night of Halloween Festivities in Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction!
If you were part of the summer camp this past summer, come reconnect with staff & friends, and share your best memories from camp!
Join us and BGC Yukon next Thursday, November 2nd at Da kų Cultural Centre.
We will play some games and eat some good food!
Dakwakada Mountain Festival – Celebrating Our Mountain Lands and Culture Through First Nations and mountain cultures in all their forms – story telling, outdoor adventure, research, traditional knowledge, workshops, arts, live music, film, dance and shared meals.