SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Festivities – Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction
Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, CanadaCommunity Wellness is hosting a SPOOKTACULAR night of Halloween Festivities in Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction!
Community Wellness is hosting a SPOOKTACULAR night of Halloween Festivities in Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction!
If you were part of the summer camp this past summer, come reconnect with staff & friends, and share your best memories from camp!
Join us and BGC Yukon next Thursday, November 2nd at Da kų Cultural Centre.
We will play some games and eat some good food!
Dakwakada Mountain Festival – Celebrating Our Mountain Lands and Culture Through First Nations and mountain cultures in all their forms – story telling, outdoor adventure, research, traditional knowledge, workshops, arts, live music, film, dance and shared meals.
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at rsmith@cafn.ca
We have been working with the Government of Yukon and Yukon Energy Corporation on a better path for the Aishihik Generating Station (AGS). CAFN will share an overview of where we are at, updates on new progress, and how citizens can be involved through our new community committee We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
FOLLOW-UP Paddle Making workshops, for the Paddle Carvers that participated in the first initial workshop with Jai Reid during the early summer. 3 x workshops on November 2, 9, 16, 2023, start time is 3:00 - 7:00 pm in the Da Ku workshop.
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at rsmith@cafn.ca
FOLLOW-UP Paddle Making workshops, for the Paddle Carvers that participated in the first initial workshop with Jai Reid during the early summer. 3 x workshops on November 2, 9, 16, 2023, start time is 3:00 - 7:00 pm in the Da Ku workshop.
Regalia Support Workshops start on Monday, November 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm and November 14 and 20th. For more information please contact Richard Smith at 634-3300 ext 409 or email him at rsmith@cafn.ca
Start off the Holiday Season with a Horse drawn Sleigh ride! Hot chocolate and hot dogs available! Text/call Millie Joe to sign up: 867 334 5243
Please join CAFN Heritage and Planning staff to discuss the planning process of the Shäwshe/Dalton Post Historic Site Management Plan.
Dec 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM at Da Kų Cultural Centre. Refreshments and a light dinner will be provided.
Please contact Roberta Nakoochee, Heritage Manager, with any questions (867 634 5292 or rnakoochee@cafn.ca)
Join us at the Da Kų Cultural Centre to learn how to create a wired beaded Daisy Bouquet with Jorja Jackson and Shelby Jackson, starting at 10:00 am - 4 […]