
Takhini Sewing Nights

Takhini Hall Alaska Highway, Takhini River Subdivision, yukon territory, Canada

Bring your projects to Takhini Hall to work on them together!
Supplies and light snacks provided.


Canceled Connecting Through Culture

Takhini Hall Alaska Highway, Takhini River Subdivision, yukon territory, Canada

Stop by for a visit & enjoy a meal made from traditional foods!
Please stay home if you are not feeling well!

CAFN Career Fair 2023

St. Elias Convention Centre 178 Backe Street, Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada

If you are interested in meeting new folks, finding out about career opportunities or working on your resume; this FREE event is for you. (If you want to work on your resume at the Fair, please bring your information with you)
CAFN has invited numerous businesses, organizations and government departments to attend (First Nation, Federal, and Territorial).
Snacks and a light lunch provided. There will also be door prizes!
Location St Elias Convention Centre

Beaded Christmas Ornaments

Natsekhi Ku (Healing House) Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Please join us November 30th, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM at the Healing House in Dakwäkäda to make beaded Christmas ornaments with Stacy Menicoche!

Questions? Please contact Jocelyn, 867 634 5113 or

Sleigh Rides at Da Ku

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

Start off the Holiday Season with a Horse drawn Sleigh ride! Hot chocolate and hot dogs available! Text/call Millie Joe to sign up: 867 334 5243

Beaded Ornament Activity

Merry Christmas! Create beautiful, beaded Christmas ornaments with Stacy Menicoche's online sewing class! Christmas ornament sewing kits are available for pick up at both CAFN offices in Haines Junction and […]


Takhini Sewing Nights

Takhini Hall Alaska Highway, Takhini River Subdivision, yukon territory, Canada

Bring your projects to Takhini Hall to work on them together!
Supplies and light snacks provided.

Shäwshe/Dalton Post Citizen Engagement Meeting

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

Please join CAFN Heritage and Planning staff to discuss the planning process of the Shäwshe/Dalton Post Historic Site Management Plan.

Dec 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM at Da Kų Cultural Centre. Refreshments and a light dinner will be provided.

Please contact Roberta Nakoochee, Heritage Manager, with any questions (867 634 5292 or

Gingerbread House Spaghetti Dinner

Sternwheeler Hotel 201 Wood Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Wednesday, Dec 13 from 5-8 pm at the Sternwheeler Hotel A CAFN Citizen event Questions? Contact Angelica Fairclough 867-333-0704