New Mining Legislation Meeting
New mining legislation meeting for CAFN citizens to get updates and get informed of the new mining legislation of the Yukon.
Meal will be provided along with door prizes.
May 09, 2023 @ Daku from 4 till 7 pm
New mining legislation meeting for CAFN citizens to get updates and get informed of the new mining legislation of the Yukon.
Meal will be provided along with door prizes.
May 09, 2023 @ Daku from 4 till 7 pm
Whitehorse Office | 304 Jarvis
Thursday, May 11 | 12pm - 1:30pm
Contact: Marion at 332-5262
Mother's Day Dinners in Takhini and Dakwäkäda/Haines Junction!
For more information, please contact Jocelyn Kinney at 634-5113.
7pm at the Local Bar. For language learners of all levels. $500 prize!
For more information please contact Kathleen at 634-4200 ext 235, or 332-0056, or
For more information please contact Kathleen at 634-4200 ext 235, or 332-0056, or
Do you have questions about post-secondary education?
Florence Kushniruk, Post-Secondary Program Officer, will be at the Whitehorse office April 21 & 28, May 19 & 26 and in TBD dates in June to help!
For all Preschool, Grade 7 and Highschool, Post-Secondary and Language Program Graduates!