POSTPONED – CAFN Career Fair 2023

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

If you are interested in meeting new folks, finding out about career opportunities or working on your resume; this FREE event is for you. (If you want to work on your resume at the Fair, please bring your information with you)
(Location may expand to include the St Elias Convention Centre)

Sisters in Spirit Walk & Vigil – YAWC

Whitehorse RCMP Detachment 4100 4th Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

The public is invited to meet at the Whitehorse RCMP detachment at noon for opening remarks and to begin the walk to the Rotary Peace Park MMIWG2S+ Monument for closing remarks and a light lunch.

Education Support Worker Meet and Greet

Canada Games Centre Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Join Mylenne and Heather at the Canada Games Centre on Wednesday, October 11 for a chance to get to know your ESW! They will be in the Board Room from 4-6pm with pizza and door prizes!

SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Festivities

Smokehouse at Takhini River Subdivision Takhini River Subdivision, Yukon, Canada

Community Wellness is hosting a SPOOKTACULAR night of Halloween Festivities!
Come down to the Takhini Smokehouse for face painting, fireworks, hot dogs and hot chocolate!

Shajē Kwä̀’a Sunshine Camp Reunion

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

If you were part of the summer camp this past summer, come reconnect with staff & friends, and share your best memories from camp!
Join us and BGC Yukon next Thursday, November 2nd at Da kų Cultural Centre.
We will play some games and eat some good food!

Dakwäkäda Mountain Festival 2023

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

Dakwakada Mountain Festival – Celebrating Our Mountain Lands and Culture Through First Nations and mountain cultures in all their forms – story telling, outdoor adventure, research, traditional knowledge, workshops, arts, live music, film, dance and shared meals.