Indigenous Language Learners Karaoke Night
7pm at the Local Bar. For language learners of all levels. $500 prize!
7pm at the Local Bar. For language learners of all levels. $500 prize!
Drop In Grad Regalia Sewing! Call Mylene for more information 334-6674.
For more information please contact Kathleen at 634-4200 ext 235, or 332-0056, or
For more information please contact Kathleen at 634-4200 ext 235, or 332-0056, or
Registered Grad Regalia Sewing! Call Mylene to register 334-6674.
Do you have questions about post-secondary education?
Florence Kushniruk, Post-Secondary Program Officer, will be at the Whitehorse office April 21 & 28, May 19 & 26 and in TBD dates in June to help!
Drop In Grad Regalia Sewing! Call Mylene for more information 334-6674.
For all Preschool, Grade 7 and Highschool, Post-Secondary and Language Program Graduates!
Registered Grad Regalia Sewing! Call Mylene to register 334-6674.