YukonU Open House at Haines Junction Campus

YukonU Haines Junction Campus

Thinking about your career or meeting the requirements of a new job? Come learn about the diverse range of offerings available at YukonU.
For more information, email hainesjunction@yukonu.ca or call 634-8800.

Post-Secondary Info Sessions – Whitehorse

Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Do you have questions about post-secondary education?
Florence Kushniruk, Post-Secondary Program Officer, will be at the Whitehorse office April 21 & 28, May 19 & 26 and in TBD dates in June to help!

Elders Executive Meeting

CAFN Whitehorse office 304 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

For further information or questions, please contact the CAFN office in Haines Junction, YT at this telephone number:
(867) 634-4200 ext. 235 or (867) 332-0056 or kjones@cafn.ca for KATHLEEN JONES  

National Red Dress Day – Community Wellness Luncheon

Community Wellness Fire Pit/Smokehouse

Community Wellness invites you to join us for a luncheon on May 5th, 2023 from noon to 2pm at the Haines Junction Community Wellness Smoke House.
For more information please call or text Jocelyn Kinney @ 634-5113