CAFN General Assembly

Da Kų Cultural Centre Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada

Potlatch – Peter Upton

A memorial Potlatch for Adakadata, Peter Upton. Saturday July 29th, 2023 2pm at Silver Creek. All are welcome. Crow give-away. For information contact Mary-Jane Smith 334-1008

Horse Camp – Camp Four

Education is working with Yukon Fat Horse Camp to help youth learn about being on the land with horses.
Youth will learn the safety of catching, handing horses, halter work, saddling and packing.
Transportation is available.

Community Luncheon – Champagne Hall

Champagne Hall Yukon Territory, Canada

Please join us for a Community Luncheon at Champagne Hall!
Wednesday, Aug 9 from 11:30 - 2:00 pm
Questions? Please contact Jocelyn Kinney 867 634 5113