Please join CAFN Heritage and Planning staff to discuss the planning process of the Shäwshe/Dalton Post Historic Site Management Plan.
Dec 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM at Da Kų Cultural Centre. Refreshments and a light dinner will be provided.
Please contact Roberta Nakoochee, Heritage Manager, with any questions (867 634 5292 or
Southern Tutchone drop-in classes Come and join ä́yètthʼǟna for weekly drop in classes hosted by CAFN. Classes are open to anyone that wants to learn and speak dän kʼè For […]
Men's and women's sewing group every Tuesday at Mun kų.
For more information contact Jocelyn at 634-5119.
Wednesday, Dec 13 from 5-8 pm at the Sternwheeler Hotel A CAFN Citizen event Questions? Contact Angelica Fairclough 867-333-0704
Southern Tutchone X-Mas Stocking workshop! Wednesday, December 13 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Da Ku Cultural Centre Create and personalize your Christmas Stockings! *if you have a sewing machine please […]
Bring your projects to Takhini Hall to work on them together!
Supplies and light snacks provided.
Gingerbread House - Grab n' go spaghetti dinner! Sunday, December 17, Takhini River from 4 - 5 pm. Questions? Call Nikki Nicholas 867.334.3125 or
Southern Tutchone drop-in classes Come and join ä́yètthʼǟna for weekly drop in classes hosted by CAFN. Classes are open to anyone that wants to learn and speak dän kʼè For […]
December 19 Midnight: Deadline to Enter! Please submit two pictures: one of the house + one of the house with the contestant.
Men's and women's sewing group every Tuesday at Mun kų.
For more information contact Jocelyn at 634-5119.